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  1. DLD

    Show Cattle Prices

    You have some good thoughts on saving money, but please don't skimp on structure - shows aren't won just standing still anymore.  You might get along alright sometimes with a short strided one, but you'll surely get beat because of it sometimes too.  Take your time, don't get stuck on "name...
  2. DLD

    Livestock Trailer Decals

    We're fortunate enough to have a local shop that does know livestock and showing.  But most any shop can make a vinyl decal from any pic you can take them - you might be able to get more of what you want that way than  stock decals from shops that already have them.
  3. DLD

    A little help

    Sending our thoughts and prayers.
  4. DLD

    How big is to big't-a-judge-use-a-1-425-pound-steer-at-a-major/
  5. DLD

    How to answer judge's questions

    When a judge asks what you would fault or change about your animal, point out something positive at the same time.  Something like "I really appreciate her soundness and length of stride, but I would like to see her track wider".
  6. DLD

    jerry mckpeak

    McPeak founded and is still runs the Be A Champ Show Camp.  So yeah, good hair and a nice fit job and good showmanship will be important to him.  I haven't seen him judge in awhile, but size used to not be a big issue either way for him.
  7. DLD

    Walks Alone and Believe in Me calf temperament

    We're feeding a BIM now, and he's just fine.  We didn't get him 'til he was almost a year old and he was just green broke.  He's always been gentle, though he was a little jumpy at first he got past that pretty quickly.  He's actually one of those with a really neat personality, sweet natured...
  8. DLD

    Ways to tell straight front end from pics and videos

    OFS explained it very well.  There are some other warning signs to look for as well.  If one appears to be tight hearted (just behind the shoulder and front legs) they will be more likely to get too straight.  And if you can watch them move in a video, look closely for any sign that the front...
  9. DLD

    Steer Declare by Date

    First of July for Tulsa State Fair which is first week of October, and first part of November for OYE which is mid March.
  10. DLD

    when did judges stop feeling steers

    Personally, I really like a fresh appearing, fresh handling steer - usually the two go hand in hand, but it's important not to confuse fresh appearing with being too green.  Sometimes the only way to know for sure is to get your hands on 'em Here in OK, most of our county shows with premium...
  11. DLD


    The question about the college in itself is not bad.  That kind of question has a purpose - to ask an easy, no wrong answer kind of question to get the kids loosened up and talking.  If he used the answer to sift all the kids who disagreed with his preference of colleges, it is indeed wrong, but...
  12. DLD


    There's no excuse for the cell phone in the ring thing, but which college team do you root for???  Do you know for a fact that he asked every kid in the ring and excused every one he didn't agree with, or did your kid just happen to like the wrong team and also just happen not to make the final...
  13. DLD

    whats in your showbox

    I'm pretty sure any rope over 30' is against the rules...
  14. DLD

    County Fair numbers

    OFS is right, there's no better place to get a good one beat than a county fair.  But the bottom line is if you choose not to participate because you're afraid of getting your good one beat, there's really no difference in you and the folks that didn't even feed one this year because they were...
  15. DLD

    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    The one and only reason this or any sale barn would post this is simply to tell you ahead of time that if you bring your finished show steers here they are going to sell well below the prices you see quoted for fat cattle.  Don't say we didn't warn you.  No sale barn likes club calves.  I've...
  16. DLD

    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    It's pretty simple really - any packer has the right to condemn any carcass that tests positive for illegal substances.  That includes drugs or additives that may be legal but have obviously been used incorrectly.  If the shows will bother to use the tag transfer system that the packers already...
  17. DLD

    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    The thing with zilmax is that the USDA has not banned it (at least not the last I knew).  I know some shows have banned it, but many others haven't.  The fact that Tyson doesn't want zilmax treated cattle is their choice, and though I agree that it's something we all need to consider, it doesn't...
  18. DLD

    Blow and Show- tips on the tail head?

    Some blow and shows use the test of pulling a comb through questionable spots - it needs to pull through the hair freely.  Only seen it done if someone questions (protests), but if they do you have to have some basis to determine if the rules are being followed.  Usually foam/mousse or lighter...