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  1. DLD

    Where to start with hair?

    This X2 We hardly use blowers this time of year.  Or soap, or anything else except for a little sheen and fly spray. Your heifer looks good.  Just keep on keepin' on - you'll be fine.
  2. DLD

    Why is Char bred so popular?

    The lighter colored steers slick shear well.  They just look stouter and smoother slick than blacks, so they win a lot more.  Thus, there are lots of people breeding good Charolais influence club calves, especially in this part of the country.  Enough that there are some good haired ones, too... 
  3. DLD

    What are you planning for your beef herd with record prices?

    I don't think the retail price of beef is rising much, if any, faster than any other typical consumer good.  Considering that, I think we're still a long way away from consumer cost slowing down our market.  What we are seeing is an increase in the demand for lower end cuts, thus the tremendous...
  4. DLD

    Nose Ring for my Steer?

    We've used bugs (clip in nose leads) with varying degrees of success - some cattle pay attention to them, some don't.  Nose rings seem to be the same way. Something else that has worked well for us is the spiked lead chain on the show halter.  It's not nearly as rough as some people imagine...
  5. DLD

    heat and hair dont go

    If he's still shedding, you need to get that old dead hair out.  Pick up a shedding comb and use it daily, 'til the dead hair is all gone.  Like the others have said, keep rinsing and brushing and keep him in the coolest, darkest place you can. I'm with show stopper 95 on the soap - you sure...
  6. DLD

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    Sorry Robert, I'd forgotten you said this when I said the calf looking the part hadn't been covered. This too - practice, practice, practice.  We at least set them up and make them stand right for a few minutes every night before we turn them loose.  3 or 4 times a week we spend 20-30 minutes...
  7. DLD

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    Showing cattle is a relatively small world - if we didn't go to shows where someone we knew was judging, there wouldn't be many shows we could go to, at least not anywhere near here.  Yes, I know politics happen, but just as often as knowing the judge personally can help you, it can hurt you...
  8. DLD

    2 speeds or 5 speeds?

    Personally, I didn't have very good luck with keeping my 5 speeds running - I had one set and after the third time they needed repair I traded them back for 2 speeds.  I don't think I ever got 2 good days of clipping out of them.  They may be better now, I haven't tried them since - I keep 3 or...
  9. DLD

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    There's an intangible something to winning (most) showmanship contests.  I guess attitude is one way to describe it, but there's a lot more to it than that.  To me it's more of an awareness - knowing everything that's going on and still being completely comfortable and in synch and in control in...
  10. DLD


    I guess I got one of the very first sets of 5 speed Andes.  Couldn't keep them running, after about the third time they needed repair (don't think I ever got more than a couple of days of clipping out of them at a time) I traded them for a set of 2 speeds and haven't tried the 5 speeds since. ...
  11. DLD

    art of photoshopping

    I watched the videos - and yes, that roan cow is pretty hard to look at on the move.  Like I said, I can't say if the photo's were doctored or not.  All I'm saying is that a really good photographer knows how to get the best out of a cow (or bull or calf), and sometimes even an un-doctored photo...
  12. DLD

    art of photoshopping

    I'm not saying these animals were touched up or not, but just some fyi for those of you who've never been involved in this picturing and videoing process for these sales.  The really good photographers spend a whole lot of time to get the right still pics - way more than the videos.  There are...
  13. DLD

    breeding her tonight. suggestions?

    Of your two preferences, I'd go with Simple Math.  But I really agree with Telos, that's a cow that looks like the ones Choppin Wood works well on.
  14. DLD

    What's the best oral "Calf Calm"? And advice an a steer with an attitude.

    The only way we've had any luck with calf calm is to give at least 4 tubes, one every 3-4 hours with the last being about an hour before the calf shows.  Yes, it's expensive and a pain (especially if you show in the morning), but if you need it to work, that's the only way that I've found. 
  15. DLD

    Kris Black Sale

    459 - $9500 463 - $38,500 453 - $16,000 457 - $20,000 455 - $17,000 456 - $10,500 454 - $9000 470 - $16,000 461 - $13,000 460 - $7000 466 - $4750 464 - $10,000 465 - $6250 469 - ? 458 - $5000 462 - $4900 467 - $3000 468 - $4750 I came up with an average of $11,479 on 17 bulls.  I believe 469...
  16. DLD

    Best purebred herford for steers?

    Still hard to beat Crossfire as far as pb Hereford steer sires go.
  17. DLD

    New to showing

    Get a clip in nose ring in him, and/or a spiked chain on your show halter.  A quick jerk on either should get his attention.  Also, make sure she holds his head out away from her, always - try not to give him the opportunity. 
  18. DLD

    Solid Gold v Yellow Repo v Smokin Bob

    Yes, thanks.  That's good to know.
  19. DLD

    Solid Gold v Yellow Repo v Smokin Bob

    Been wondering that myself.  I can't find any carrier status on him anywhere - I'll ask Kris, prob'ly not 'til next week, though.  Chambero, maybe you just figured he was PHAC.  I kinda do just because he's out of a Power Plus daughter.  Power Plus prob'ly did us more good than any other bull...
  20. DLD

    Ford Ecoboost

    They're good motors.  I had one (an '01 - I'd still have it was a 4x4), and if everything goes according to plan, I'll be looking for another one this fall. My nephew has an '08 with 220K+ miles - the only thing it's needed outside of regular maintenance is a fuel pump.  People (mostly the ones...