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  1. DLD

    Costs of certain vet charges???

    We used to be those producers that only called on their vet every once in awhile.  I grew up doing it all the old school way, we worked all our own calves, pulled about anything that could be pulled, stitched up cuts, etc... And wondered why the cold shoulder when we needed a midnight C-section...
  2. DLD

    What size round bales does everybody bale, buy or use?

    That would have to be some really lopsided bales.  4x6 is pretty much the standard around here - most truckers won't touch 5 wides and there's just not enough hay in anything else to be worthwhile to haul, buy and sell.  If you're just putting them up for your own use, get whatever size suits you.
  3. DLD

    My eyes have been opened!

    No doubt they were bigger framed cattle than todays, but by the early eighties they were on their way back down.  Don't think many of those steers would've been 9's.  7's and a few 8's probably.  I had champion Polled Hereford steer in Denver in '83 - he was 56 3/4", and he was one of the bigger...
  4. DLD

    My eyes have been opened!

    Yes, I do remember that Telos.  Pretty sure that was the case most places, not just in OK.  And I remember buying those steers out in the country - sometimes you could find them just driving down the road.  You'd look up and there'd be a nice a set of cows with a good Limi, Simmi or Maine bull. ...
  5. DLD

    My eyes have been opened!

    Lautner, Trausch and I'm sure many others regularly lease out those bulls they're selling semen on, and I've had the opportunity to see many of them in the pasture.  Yes, there are some dinks among them, but the majority of them are good solid 5 framed bulls - a few are bigger.  I also work at...
  6. DLD

    Costs of certain vet charges???

    Our local vets will write health papers for free for 4H and FFA kids to go to shows.  For selling cattle, they charge - I have no problem with that. I am a little irritated at the moment with a $75 after hours fee.  I brought the cow in before 10 AM, vet examined cow and determined calf was...
  7. DLD

    Ford Ecoboost

    Most Ecoboosts out there aren't equipped for the 11K+ tow ratings that are advertised.  To get that you need the max payload and max tow packages which upgrades to heavier duty suspension, cooling, wheels and tires, towing mirrors, even the integrated trailer brake controller.  It still won't...
  8. DLD

    Growing hair without the best facilities..

    I'd really try to find shade cloth to block the sun rather than something solid (we get them at Harbor Freight - they're really reasonable).  Without a cooler of some sort, you need all the fresh air you can get.  On the misters, try to find some of those "patio misters" or something else...
  9. DLD

    Selling animals with a right to flush

    I can understand a breeder wanting to retain a flush on a "special" individual.  After a few partnership females, I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather buy a whole heifer and let the seller keep the right to a flush or two, than to buy half interest in one.  Not that I've ever had a...
  10. DLD

    URGENT need to know monopoly's reg#

    You can look it up on a semen distributors site, or on the ACA web site.
  11. DLD

    Why show steers

    I wanted to agree with this, too.  Wanting to win is important, but so is being realistic.  I've seen a lot of kids soured on showing by barn blind parents and/or leaders who had them convinced they were gonna win the whole show every time and they'd end up in the middle of their class.
  12. DLD

    Why show steers

    Some great posts here from everyone.  Kinda funny how it started out about money and ended up about attitude.  Just because some of us go into this unwilling to spend five figures on a show steer does not mean we don't want to win.  It means we're determined to do it on our terms.  Don't think...
  13. DLD

    Why show steers

    I understand what you're saying, and I guess if having grand is the only thing that's gonna make you happy it makes sense.  I'm just saying that there are a lot of placings besides grand in those shows that a lot of people can be happy with. And I don't argue with what you and Chambero are...
  14. DLD

    Why show steers

    If you're talking about the ones that win grand at the competitive majors, yes I'm sure that's true.  If you're talking about making the premium sale at those same shows, there are still $2500 (and cheaper) steers getting that done.  There are plenty of families out there that know how to feed...
  15. DLD

    Why show steers

    A lot of people seem to think that $20K, or even $10K steers are the rule, not the exception. They aren't.  Yes, there are quite a few of 'em around.  Yes, they win sometimes - they lose sometimes too.  Sometimes they were over priced to begin with, sometimes they don't get fed, fit or shown to...
  16. DLD

    Why show steers

    We show steers because we enjoy it. It's a great family activity, the kids actually learn a lot doing it, plus they get to travel and meet lot's of people - todays friends may become valuable business contacts in the future. Don't know that we can say we always make money on our steers, but we...
  17. DLD

    What is the highest percentage of one sex of calves out of a herd bull?

    When I bought my first set of black cows, I bought 25 units of Pistol Pete semen 'cause I really wanted some Pistol Pete daughters to keep for cows.  Used it all (over 2-3 seasons) and got 22 bull calves and 0 heifers... Once in awhile I've had a calf crop out of a natural service bull go a...
  18. DLD

    Our Son Keaton Christensen, Serious accident

    So good to hear of his progress!  We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
  19. DLD

    Monopoly Son

    As far as safe goes, there's the risk of TH, unless you know one or both are clean.  Otherwise, it's probably pretty safe as far as having any major problems.  We've had 3 or 4, using a tested clean Monopoly son to clean up on a group that included a few Monopoly daughters - they weren't train...