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  1. DLD

    Hot brands show steers

    Some traders may not buy from you if brand.  If you care about following your calves, maybe you don't want to sell to those traders, anyway.  But some that will tell you where they went still aren't going to want them branded.  There will be some exhibitors that won't want them either, probably...
  2. DLD

    need advice- county fair sale rules

    I don't see anything wrong with not being able to sell steers over 1450 - as you said, that's a pretty generous number for a top end weight anyway.  I'll bet you have a minimum weight to be eligible for the sale?  And a minimum and maximum weight for other species (at least swine)?  It's really...
  3. DLD

    county fair show- groomed or slick?

    I agree with you that the simple answer is to enforce the rule that you already have.  If they're not willing to do that, then who's going to enforce the next new rule? I can understand wanting to eliminate outside "help", but if you eliminate all the adults (something others have mentioned), I...
  4. DLD

    Bent handle scissors
  5. DLD

    Splitting Classes Up

    I understand using Excel to sort entries, but the actual break is still decided by someone. Jeff's system sounds very interesting to me.  We're set up for 4 crossbred classes at our county show, once in awhile they'll do 5, but they try really hard not to.  Most of the time there'll be 3 or 4...
  6. DLD

    Splitting Classes Up

    It would be nice if someone could create a program that would recognize natural breaks. I know it's easy enough to set up something based just on numbers, like so many classes, or so many head per class, or break every X number of pounds or days,  but those methods don't always work, especially...
  7. DLD

    Possible clones to old bulls?

    I believe there were 3, maybe 4 Full Flush clones that made it to breeding age.  They were all born at about the same time, not scattered out like the Heat Waves.  I'd bet a lot that there's a tissue sample preserved on Meyer 734 (Kephart owned both him and Full Flush), but there was (maybe...
  8. DLD

    Monopoly Money

      Based on my experience, I don't think you'd get too much grow out of him.  Size wouldn't worry me on that mating.  I'd say he added a little thickness - none of ours were what I'd call real heavy muscled.  I'd call them adequate, but I do like their shape - they carry their muscle down...
  9. DLD

    Monopoly Money

    We had Monopoly Money leased when he was 18-20 months old.  At that time, he was nowhere close to a frame score 7, pretty sure he was not even a 6.  To be a 7 he'd have to have been right at 57" tall when they picked him up, 55" to be a 6.  I'd have said he was 53" - 54" tall.  I know they can...
  10. DLD

    How Does Denver Market Heifer Show Work?

    I like your thinking on that market heifer deal Chambero.  I hadn't thought about that before, but we have some of those, too.  Matter of fact, we could've had the ideal situation this year - two nice black monopoly heifers that were both twins to bulls. My 14 year old daughter is the only one...
  11. DLD

    How Does Denver Market Heifer Show Work?

    Right vc, none of it seems easy to find.  We knew it was terminal, what I meant that I never found was anything saying how many animals would make the premium sale.  Last I knew on the steer deal, they took first and second place from each class, but that's been awhile back. I'm sure those...
  12. DLD

    How Does Denver Market Heifer Show Work?

    You walk out of the ring, about 20', take the collar off the goat and push him out the door - if you want a picture after your class, you have to have it taken at the official backdrop before you exit the ring.  There are several people there pushing the kids and animals toward the door, and...
  13. DLD

    How Does Denver Market Heifer Show Work?

    Not sure about most of your questions, but all the junior market shows, including the steers, are terminal for all entries.  I would assume the same to be true for market heifers, but I'm not positive.  My daughter took a market goat this year, and if you placed below second in your class...
  14. DLD

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    I understand being the new people in town and being unhappy with how things go.  I understand it's very frustrating when you feel your child is being slighted.  I've been there, and I sympathize - truly I do.  I'll even agree that you have a point that these kind of situations can be very...
  15. DLD

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    We do have a buyers dinner before the sale also.  It used to be invitation only, and the only exhibitors that got to go were grands and reserves.  Nowadays everyone goes, and it's nice - lets the exhibitors and buyers mingle, and I believe it brings in a little more money. I might add that this...
  16. DLD

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    Our county is a little different than any others described here.  First of all, it is a bonus sale - the animals don't actually sell.  We have a "cartel" of local businesses and individuals that pool their resources plus have some fundraising activities.  The cartel buys all the grands and...
  17. DLD

    New definition for Clubby bred

    I'm guilty too.  I always think if somebody else figures they can make a profit buying them now and selling them later that surely I ought to make more by keeping them 'til later too...  But there's sure a point where we need to take that somebody else's money and let them take the risk for awhile.
  18. DLD

    New definition for Clubby bred

    Cattle bring what they bring at the sale barns for a reason.  Some of the "clubby bred" ones we get through the sale barn I work at sell towards the top of the market, the ones that are unsound or small framed don't. Lot's of order buyers cringe at the thought of "clubbies",  but truth be told...
  19. DLD

    new breed

    You're right about the Hereford's not registering any percentage cattle, just like the Angus breed doesn't either.  My point is just that there are lots of Hereford x Angus cross cattle out there that have more to offer than the registered Black Herefords that I've seen, but because their herd...
  20. DLD

    monopoly calves height

    Most "clubbie cows" these days are small, or at best moderate framed - mated to those cows Monopoly makes a small to moderate framed steer.  Mated to bigger cows, he may downsize some, but not every one.  We kept a Monopoly out of a bigger Limi x Angus cow a few years ago, and he was around 54"...