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  1. G

    vegetable oil vs soybean oil

    I could always buy vegetable or corn oil on sale at the grocery store cheaper than the feed grade soybean oil (less than $10/gal. of cooking oil vs $54/5 gal bucket for soybean oil).  Also, soybean oil seems to have a stronger smell and flavor, but maybe it was just sitting around too long and...
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    Help! Lump on Heifer

    Best idea is never use liquamycin on show cattle.  They ought to be worth a $20 shot of draxxin.  Seems like shot knots can last for years.
  3. G

    Steer needs weight!!

    I have used Appetite Express and liked the product, but found I could buy a 40# sack of Diamond V brewers yeast for the same money and it yields pretty much the same result.
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    Steer needs weight!!

    We have had good gains top dressing the grain ration with rumensin pellets and Diamond V brewers yeast.  Maybe add in a cup of vegetable oil too depending on the fat content of your feed - don't want to be over 5-6% fat, but a little helps.
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    Red Steer

    Chianina are a different deal as far as I can tell.  You could chew on this cattle color paper for a week or two trying to figure it out.
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    Red Steer

    To have a chance for a red calf from black cows or grey smoke cows, the cow has to be a red gene carrier (could be black with a red gene as black is dominant or could be a grey smoke if it is a red carrier or could be a red, which has two red genes or it could be a red or yellow smoke, which has...
  7. G

    Halter Breaking a Heifer

    Both the proposed methods (hotshot and donkey) are way too harsh for a 3-month old calf.  Maybe post a video of trying to lead your calf.  I have seen some people who just drag them around never letting the pressure off the lead rope and eventually the calf just locks up because their head is...
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    calf standing funny

    If calf was normal and is now getting worse not better, it is time to make arrangements for his date with the meat processor.  Once they start bucking over in the knees they generally get worse with time and weight.
  9. G

    Trailer opinion needed

    I own a Merritt trailer and would have bought a Wilson, but the Merritt was on the lot ready to go and Wilson was going to take 4 months to build a stock combo.  Both trailers are great trailers.  The only real upside the Wilson has over the Merritt is that it comes with a slam latch on the rear...
  10. G

    Squeeze Chute/Alleyway System

    Tub entry on same side as chute controls if you are likely to be working them by yourself or need to give instructions to the helpers loading the tub. A catwalk on the alley can be really handy for giving you the elevation to work from when running them through quickly for CIDR install, shots...
  11. G

    Trailer opinion needed

    If you will be using it to travel to shows then a side ramp is really handy.  If more as a stock trailer, then probably not as useful.  If using for horse activities, then a stock combo is nice for the tack compartment.  We bought the stock combo a couple years ago because figured we would only...
  12. G

    Squeeze Chute/Alleyway System

    In my experience the bud box works best with wilder cattle.  Old show heifers find a way to plug it up and do not flow since they have virtually no flight zone unless they are getting physical pressure from a cattle paddle or poker.  They work better through a tub.
  13. G

    Show Coat - Sure Coat test

    Too bad you don't have 3 cloned steers to provide a control and one for each product.  That would be awesome.
  14. G

    Genetics Gurus Question for you

    Anything is posdible, but Brilliance should not be a red gene carrier unless his pedigree is wrong.
  15. G

    County fair health papers?

    We have our state fair the week following our county fair.  Our state fair requires health papers.  With most of the animals being at county fair that will go on to state fair, we have 2-3 vets that look at animals and issue health papers at county fair for those going on to state fair.
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    County fair health papers?

    Our county has a vet checking them at the gate, mostly for vesicular stomatitis, which will be evident around the nose and mouth.  If we required health papers from an on site inspection at home, the vets in this county would be running for 2 weeks doing health inspections and little else.  I do...
  17. G

    Genetics Gurus Question for you

    You stated at the beginning that your: Cows previous calves have been crossbred peach bull(charolais influence) and we got a smokey bull Crossbred peach bull (above bull) and we got a red heifer crossbred black bull and we got a black bull Now you are saying that you had two grey skinned...
  18. G

    Bull bloated

    How old is this bull?  Is the underside or sides of his neck swollen?  If he is getting hit in the side or underneath of his neck by another bull or by unreceptive cows that he is trying to mount, he can swell up around his throat and then cannot burp up his cud.  This has happened with a young...
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    Best High Tensile Fence Charger? And Go!

    The Parmaks are just plain old reliable chargers.  Tin housing and nothing fancy.  I have used a Parmak 12 solar year round for 5 years on the same battery running up to 3/4 of a mile of 3-wire high tensile permanent fence (bottom and top wires hot) and that is fine with little crowding pressure...
  20. G

    Genetics Gurus Question for you

    Alias must be a red gene carrier to get the red heifer out of the peach (diluted red) crossbred bull.  Brilliance should yield a black or grey smoke calf.