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  1. G

    Heifer broke front leg

    If it heals but is crooked and she is gaining weight she should make fine beef.  If she is going downhill and not gaining, then probably not good beef.
  2. G

    First time halter training

    Use pressure and release to start them leading.  At first, just get them to turn their head in the direction of the tug on the lead rope and as soon as they do, release the pressure.  Do it 10 or 20 times, whatever it takes to get them to turn their head with minimal pressure.  Then ask for a...
  3. G

    Heifer broke front leg

    How old?  We have put casts on several small calves (120 lbs or less) and healed fine.
  4. G

    Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C X VAR Powerplay

    Kind of a fire and ice mating on frame size and growth.  Birth weight probably be fairly high.  Interesting.
  5. G

    Aluminum Livestock Trailers

    Aluminum trailers hold their value better than anything except maybe a John Deere 4020.  One of the few things worth financing for 60 months because you will never be upside down on the note.  Make sure you keep full coverage insurance on it though in case you bend it up.
  6. G

    Aluminum Livestock Trailers

    Merritt and Wilson around here, if you like the punched hole sides, which I do.
  7. G

    Grooming Chute Flooring

    See if you can find some old wrestling mat and cover it with a Kevlar cloth.  Glue it down to a plywood piece cut to size.
  8. G

    Does anyone still use AAOK’s recipe?

    I used a 50:50 corn:oats mixture as my base and there is enough roughage in it that you don't really need the cottonseed hulls.  Then I mixed in a 40% pellet that the local elevator had to get to a 14% protein (this was for some freshly weaned calves) and some dry molasses and a couple cups of...
  9. G

    MSM withdrawal??

    No withdrawal period.  Do not feed it to meat animals -- at all -- period.
  10. G

    BDR calf

    Quite a few of them sold this fall.
  11. G

    how to become a cattle jock

    Get a job scooping manure and washing and blowing out cattle and take it from there.  When they start trusting you with clippers beyond shaving heads and you have black paint overspray on your face and dirty pants with really dirty knees, you will be a cattle jockey.  (lol)
  12. G

    New Venture

    Can you put up a pic of her?  We used Smokin Bob a couple of times.  We had a dinky heifer out of a huge Irish Whiskey cow - had to C-section a 65# angus-sired calf out of the heifer - she had a pelvis the size of a walnut and a wide pin set.  Same year had a giant steer (needed to be 1600# to...
  13. G

    Feeding a steer

    I feed it to show heifers, just not as much of it, but I don't like breeding heifers sloppy fat.  All cattle are on free choice grass hay.  I wouldn't worry about the medicated part of the mineral -- this was before the federal veterinary feed directive (VFD) came out.  It is a good basic mix...
  14. G

    Feeding a steer

    Read these threads and any related ones.  It has worked for us with various tweaks depending on age and sex of cattle for years.
  15. G

    Has anyone ever crossed a clubby bull w/highland cow??
  16. G


    Yup - I cringe every time I have to use the tube because it irritates their esophagus and really isn't ideal except from a survival standpoint.  Do everything you can to get them to nurse.  Also, the big calf nipples usually aren't ideal for newborns.  A lamb nipple can work better.
  17. G


    Be careful with the electrolytes.  He needs his mother's milk.  Milk her out every day and feed it to him with a bottle and if he won't suck, tube him until he will suck the bottle.  I would keep him with the cow so she can take care of him, lick him, etc.
  18. G

    In God we trust

    Need to use him on a good fronted cow.  The few we have had were good sound calves.
  19. G


    Check out the EPD difference between Baldridge Colonel and Baldridge Challenger.  Full bros, but 2 way different bulls.
  20. G


    Performance and yearling scan date and genomic i50K test results had a lot of variability.  The Isabel Y69 sons seem to be all over the place for EPDs -- even full sibs.