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  1. G

    Unstoppable Cows

    Had two full sisters.  Older one looks like the dam -- a maine cow -- long tubular type about the size of her dam who is on the larger end of our cows.  I mistake mother for daughter if I dont look close.  She had a nice angus sired calf that was a thick rascal with hair, but he died of purple...
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    Breeding ideas

    Main thing with Consensus is to not breed him to a cow that is short necked at all.  So long as the cow has some extension out the front they can be nice calves.
  3. G

    asphalt grindings

    It would be real similar to road base.  Great for driveway surfacing, but not sure it would stay in place very well under hoof.
  4. G

    Feed Help please

    vc and L4c have great advice.  I like to have rumensin pellets, but I know plenty of folks get along fine without it.  On bunk management, don't just dump feed and leave -- give him 30 minutes to eat grain and then clean up what doesn't get eaten.  This part is really important.  Then manage...
  5. G

    Feed Help please

    Can you post a picture of the steer?  Would help to get an idea of his current body condition and frame size.  Also, do you have any information as to sire and dam?
  6. G

    Heifer Bloating

    Frothy bloat or just gas bloat?  Garden hose for gas bloat.  Therabloat for the frothy kind.  Knife (preferably cannula) in the "triangle" high on the left side if life threatening frothy bloat to relieve the pressure.
  7. G

    Breeding Heifer

    The hereford looks like a bovine version of professor sherman klump in the nutty professor.
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    SAV Resource 1441

    Nyk -- are you breeding Resource to your larger framed cows or going across the board with him?  How much is cow frame size influencing the progeny size?  They definitely have a distinct fleshy and easy doing look.
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    Stubborn steer! Hhheeelllppp!!!!

    Did you get the right video link knabe?  That one is a man eater -- no quick release necessary since she comes right up the rope.
  10. G

    Help with feeding Market heifer last 30 days

    From the pics she does not look overfinished.  Hard to tell though.  I would keep her on feed and maybe add in more oats, back off the corn a little and top dress Fresh & Feminine or Femininity to freshen up a little.
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    What did they do to the tails?  Every one of these heifers are pretty agitated about it.  Nice heifers otherwise though.
  12. G

    Show calf with hernia

    If you keep him for your new herd bull and in a few years start seeing hernias pop up from his daughters and grand daughters, you will start to find out if it is genetic.  Personally, breeding stock shouldn't have these kinds of issues whether they be bad feet, bad udders, bad attitude or bad...
  13. G

    HELP! Steer pen

    Sounds like you have a general drainage issue that probably needs addressed at the source. 1.  Bring in more dirt to raise the elevation of the bottom of the pen above your drainage ditches. 2.  Better drainage in general. 3.  Rain Gutters to take water to the low side of the structure 4. ...
  14. G

    Bush's Unbelievable Question

    I have only used him on a couple Angus cows, but I kept a son and used him as a yearling on some crossbreds and they are yearlings now and look to be decent cows.  The other bull tended to turn out on his front toes a little more than I liked.  The bull that I used as a yearling's full sister...
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    Bred the cows yesterday

    THC cows - Lovin 620, Maternal Made X-bred THF - In God We Trust Angus - Bruin Torque, Leachman Right Time, HF Tiger
  16. G

    Who is the best bull to use on "Clubby Type Cows" to make Club Calves?

    Sheep - how are the rib depth and shape on the Maternal Made calves?
  17. G

    Who is the best bull to use on "Clubby Type Cows" to make Club Calves?

    I bred a mostly correct Walks Alone x Angus cow (likely THC) to Lovin the Business and have a peach colored good haired calf that is showing potential at this point.  Business Done Right would work.  Breeder suggested charolais bull Famous at executive sires as another option. He is red based so...
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    Dunloiuse native Aberdeen Angus sale

    She looks like she lost her calf and they ran her over to the next year.
  19. G

    Best double free bull

    Any reports on Maternal Made?
  20. G

    How much?

    How good are their facilities?  Are they bringing them up to the chute or do you have your own help?  How long do you think it will take?