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  1. G

    Is the rat tail deal still a thing?

    The smoke heifer we have sired by Smokin Bob by an Irish Whiskey x Angus cow has long sparse guard hairs, very little regular hair and no tail switch.  Pretty sure she is a TH carrier and she would definitely be a rat tail with the exception of the long guard hairs.  Bred Angus she had a black...
  2. G

    Is the rat tail deal still a thing?

    Looks like a TH Carrier rat tail.  Have a Smokin Bob x Irish Whiskey cow with hair like that.  She had a hairy black calf when bred angus.
  3. G

    A.I. Synchronization Protocols-Phase II or What to do with Non-Responders

    I have pulled CIDRs on the 7-day protocol and bred on observed heats with 90-95% of them showing heats within 3 days.  However, I have had cows come into heat on day 4 at 96-110 hours later.  Wound up breeding on day 5 after they quit standing and had conceptions.
  4. G

    Halter Breaking

    Along with knabe's advice, are you tying him with his head up for an hour or so per day (basically) the height you want his head for a show pose?  That usually helps.  Gradually work up to a couple hours.  Seems to get them more compliant and they learn to take halter pressure off by putting...
  5. G

    Ok one more to ask opinions of :-) Angus this time

    Says "(DDP)" right below her registration number.  It is several generations back from a bull named High Voltage back in the  80's.  Probably a very small chance she is a carrier, but I would want to test and clear it.
  6. G

    Ok one more to ask opinions of :-) Angus this time

    Her papers say she is a potential DD (duplicative development) carrier.  Will the seller get her tested?
  7. G

    Best time to castrate steer

    We usually brand at 60 days of age +/- 15 days and knife cut no problem.  Have cut 500 pounders no problem with cowboy crew stretching them out, but prefer cutting when they are small enough to run through the calf table.
  8. G

    Best time to castrate steer

    Any time now.  The sooner the better if banding.  If knife cut, then sometime in next month or so.
  9. G

    Is the rat tail deal still a thing?

    I have been looking for information, but I do not find anything showing whether a heterogeneous black cow will throw a rat tail.  Last year I bred 3 crossbred cows to the Horn bull Lovin the Business.  A red baldy cow (One and Only x Limmy/Angus) had a coal black calf with normal hair.  A black...
  10. G

    Is the rat tail deal still a thing?

    I think any homozygous black cow bred to a diluter gene bull (charolais or yellow simmental) can throw a rat tail.  We had a rat tail heifer (Smokin Bob x Irish Whiskey-Angus) that I suspect is THC bred to my Angus bull and the calf is coal black and as fuzzy as any clubby bred calf.  Also had a...
  11. G

    Sullivan's Artic Chill misting ring

    No.  It will not evaporate.  Just increase humidity and set the stage for ringworm and other nasty stuff.
  12. G

    Angus bulls

    I have used Bush's Unbelievable for several years on a few cows and used a son as a yearling that left some nice heifers and and bulls.  I think he throws a better hip than his sire Bismarck and better feet.  Udder on the first calf heifer is very good, but so is her dam's.  Seem to be...
  13. G

    Calf not nursing back quarters

    Sometimes it's good when they aren't all that handy to get to.  :)
  14. G

    Angus bulls

    Style calves don't have any size?  EPDs show MH of 1.0 and MW +83.  That is on the larger end of the breed.
  15. G

    Calf not nursing back quarters

    What I have seen happen is the calf doesn't nurse the backs at first, then the cow gets sore when the calf finally gets around to trying to and then the rear quarters eventually get mastitis or blow out.  If she is easy to get to, it may help to take some pressure off and hopefully get the calf...
  16. G

    What would you do?....

    I would get the vet to run anesthesia on him and cut him.  He won't miss it in a day or two and less chance of tetanus and other nasty stuff.
  17. G

    Breeders world online sale

    I assume that the sellers or some agent for the sellers is going to have an idea of my max bid.  Supposedly the seller cannot see it, but I have purchased items with my max bid that the last bid fell just short of my max.  It was still a deal because I could have done without it and bid under...
  18. G

    Breeders world online sale

    Nothing ever happens until the last 30 minutes anyway.  Then the sales drag out for several hours after that with the horse race closing games that go on.  They could shorten the bid time to 2 minutes on the horse race closings and make things move along a little better.
  19. G

    Can I get thoughts and opinions on our new registered heifer we purchased?

    She looks like a solid functional heifer.  Really appreciate the maternal strength of he pedigree with Vermillion Dateline and EXT 2-3 generations back.  Should make a good cow.
  20. G

    Phenotype Angus Bulls

    BSF Opportunist Z5 Bush's Unbelievable 423 (half bro to Brilliance)