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  1. G

    Chapter Angus Herd Bull Suggestions

    Didn't waste my time.  Appreciate everyone's comments and learned a few things in the process.  Is Young Dale Xcaliber semen available in the USA?
  2. G

    Who's your favorite?

    Vin Mar O'Reilly Factor
  3. G

    Chapter Angus Herd Bull Suggestions

    The Chisum 255 bull (AAA# 17298481) XBAR posted is no pud.  With a MH of +.9, MW 64 and CW 62 he is among the largest EPD body size bulls in the breed.  He would likely power up frailer built cows.  Charlo is at the other end of the size spectrum being one of the smallest statured and carcass...
  4. G

    Chapter Angus Herd Bull Suggestions

    Nyk -- have you seen Uproar's maternal brother Torque?  That cow has got it going on.
  5. G

    Chapter Angus Herd Bull Suggestions

    I like Nyk's suggestions for what you are trying to do.  Another idea, if you have some solid mature cows, you might try an old school "real bull" -- Vermilion Dateline 7078 (VRD).  Semen is still widely available and I would keep every heifer and cull any cow that has any trouble with calving...
  6. G

    Bad attitude bulls

    BIM, Yellowjacket
  7. G

    How much cedar fiber?

    We have used regular pine shavings to build up under the mats and so long as they aren't rooting out the mats and the shavings, there is no need for the expense of cedar there.  Use the cedar for the bedding part.
  8. G

    40 Days out of show..(PICTURES)

    You are short on time to really get him finished, but you can do as well as possible by keeping him on feed and bumping his calories through more feed and adding some fat.  One other thing that will help to better convert the feed he is eating is to add rumensin.  I feed a pelleted rumensin as a...
  9. G

    40 Days out of show..(PICTURES)

    Yes. Start at 1 lb. and  work up to 2 lbs.  Last couple of years I found some flax seed meal that was 32% fat or something like that.  Cattle really did well on finishing and really popped the hair too.  Other posters on here will have some good ideas as well.
  10. G

    40 Days out of show..(PICTURES)

    He is still green.  Keep pouring it to him and maybe add some stabilized rice bran or flax seed meal for additional fat.
  11. G

    Updated - Daily Hair Care Products

    Kleen Sheen and vinegar daily, Revive (winter) or Revive Lite (summer) once or twice a week.  Shampoo only maybe the day before the show.  Use a rice root brush and roto brush daily and at least blow them out daily if no time or too cold to rinse.
  12. G

    EXAR TRYON (calving ease?)

    I don't think he was ever used much and I do not see him appear in pedigrees very often.  He is an older  bull, so that could indicate that he is either an undiscovered gem (probably not) or just wasn't very useful.
  13. G

    National Western: Junior Angus Heifer Show

    Is it just me or do most of these final drive heifers move off their rear legs like a little kid with a full diaper?
  14. G

    Liquid nitrogen

    What are you guys paying for LN?  I filled a tank yesterday at the local welding supply store and they charged me for 15 liters plus a $6.00 handling fee and came to $29.00.
  15. G

    National Western Stock Show

    I think your herd bull is serving quite well.  Nice set.  Should sell well for you. 
  16. G

    Please Delete!

    When they get that sick and you have already lost one and with your level of experience and the level of expertise of your adviser, it might be a good idea to bring in your veterinarian on this case.  You may have more issues going on than what LA200 and probiotics is going to cure. 
  17. G

    Best front-end/neck?

    Why breed out the lunkhead and heavy front from simmentals?  Will lose your breed character.  Like breeding the horns off a corriente or putting spots on an angus.  ;)
  18. G

    SAV Resource 1441

    I saw some SAV Recharge daughters this fall that were pretty decent both from growth and performance and eye appeal perspectives.  Recharge is a full sib to Resource, but seems to throw them a little smoother fronted with a bit more extension.
  19. G

    Future Herd Bull

    Bull looks ok, but I am digging the car port over your squeeze chute.  8)  How well does it hold up to cattle rubbing on the uprights?
  20. G

    Steer getting taller, but not filling out.

    A bunch of corn will probably just crest his neck a little more and the rest of him will still look green.  That is just the way most Angus cattle develop in my experience.  They look good when finished, but they often do not bloom until the end.