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  1. G

    Steer that won't lead

    Get a helper to poke the teeth of a comb into his tail right below the tailhead.  They usually move forward.  Before that though, try treats like alfalfa cubes, cattle cake, whatever they like.
  2. G

    TAI Protocols

    Does he use GnRh at time of a.i. on timed a.i.?
  3. G

    Question: Where can I have testing done for TH and PHA?
  4. G

    Bull Talk

    Chap - do you have any idea how many calves Afterhours has on the ground?  I have been intrigued, but have not seen any calves for sale sired by him, so have not bit.  His photo looks strikingly similar to the Angus bull Bush Unbelievable 423 - maybe it is just the pose.
  5. G

    premature calf

    Keep an eye on her body temp and environmental temperature.  They cannot regulate their temp very well that small and underdeveloped.
  6. G

    Stubborn show heifer that won't lead

    Check out this video starting about 4:20 for the pressure and release demonstration
  7. G

    Stabilized Rice Bran for heifers

    Stabilized Rice Bran works well for replacing the hot calories from corn with the cooler calories from the fat that is in the rice bran.  As a result it actually promotes hair growth instead of burning it off like corn will if you have a heavy corn component of your ration.  Another product we...
  8. G

    Bismark, Gold Standard, Bush's Unbelievable?

    I will guess that Gold Standard will be by far the shortest one.  Have only used Bush's Unbelievable of the three and so far I like the size of the calves and the fact that they have the growth to yearling size and then seem to shut down on frame.  He is supposed to be a 6 frame bull, so nice...
  9. G

    Best clubby bulls to use on Angus cows

    Have had way better luck with Walks Alone.  Make sure your cow does not have any docility or attitude issues.  Basically whatever the cows do right or wrong the resulting calf will magnify that trait.  Use a really good cow and you can get some really nice calves.
  10. G

    Herd Building Preference

    Started in the fall of 2008 with 2 bred registered angus cows and a bull calf (we already had a small commercial herd) with the idea of replacing the commercial cows with registered females.  It has been a long slow process purchasing a female or two every year.  We have not had many culls of...
  11. G

    "Short Coupled Steer"

    This might be hard to hear, but in my opinion, roach backed females really should go the same place their steer colleagues ultimately go.  It is mostly a structure issue and should cause the animal to be culled the same as for bad udders, bad feet, bad attitude, etc.  Sell her by the pound and...
  12. G

    Thoughts on PVF Insight

    He made feet worse on an Onward x 004 cow I have.  Cow wasn't too bad but yearling daughter has long toes and lacks heel depth.
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    With Unstoppable getting expensive, how do his sons Ready 2 Rumble and Ready 2 Roll compare?
  14. G

    6 day old calf

    Brush her all over her body at feeding time with a soft brush.  Only takes a couple of minutes if you are only bottle feeding one and it's good for the calf.
  15. G

    used equipment

    One-half to three-quarters the price of new depending on how banged up or relatively new it is or whether it needs repair.
  16. G

    Heifer not milking well

    We had a Believe In Me heifer that milked about a cup a day.  She went to the sale barn to pay for milk replacer and the calf gets a bottle a couple of times a day.  Her dam was a really good milking cow.  Don't waste your time trying to get milk out of cows that don't milk -- you will just...
  17. G

    what type of cows to use BIM on?

    Whatever you do, resist the urge to keep BIM heifers as cows.  I have a deep bodied Walks Alone x Angus cow with her second calf on the ground now and she is a great little cow, heavy milker and is as maternal as any of my Angus cows.  She weaned off at over 50% of her body weight as a heifer...
  18. G

    Heifer breeding age

    My goal on the purebred Angus females is to calve in March at 23-24 months of age.  That means they need to be bred at 14-15 months of age.  If they are later than 24 months when they have their first calf, they seldom catch up with the mature cow herd calving from mid-March to mid-April and it...
  19. G

    Getting started

    Walks Alone calves are easiest to work with if you start from birth.  I haven't had a mean one, but some of them can be prone to panic attacks when something surprises them.
  20. G

    Too much belly

    In my opinion, show heifer judges are looking for the show heifer that looks like she is about to drop a calf even if she is only 6 months old.  Same with the prospect steers -- they look like small fat steers, not growing steers.  Nothing based on reality.