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  1. SKF

    Let's hear some calf reports.

    We have a really good Rocky Balboa heifer the only I don't like about her is the curly hair and that seems to be a Rocky Balboa thing. Then we have a really thick,hairy, big bone and powerful Walks Alone heifer that should have been a bull calf and our other favorite calf is a Carnac heifer. The...
  2. SKF

    ** Do not need to ship calf anymore* TX-CA

    We live in South Florida and there's not much our way as far as show cattle so we have shipped lots of cattle. We have had them shipped to Florida from South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska and several other states and I have never really had any major problems. Most of the time we use Lathrop Trucking...
  3. SKF

    calf pictures?

    Had a Ace of Diamonds out of a Sonny granddaughter and it is a very LARGE frame calf! I will try to get a picture tomorrow. Not a calf I am happy with but I am sure one day he will look fine once he stops growing and his weight can catch up to his frame size.
  4. SKF

    what is your worst mating?

    Our worst breeding was Walks Alone on a Who Made Who cow. The calf had so many structure issues he could hardly get around that we had to put him down at a week old. The cow is very sound and has always had a good calf until this one.  Since I had some WA left I took a chance and used him on a...
  5. SKF

    Rocky Balboa

    I have loved our Rocky calves. We have a heifer calf this year that was out of a first time heifer. She weighed 65lbs and is very sound and has the best disposition you could ever ask for. My 5 yr old can do anything with her. The Rocky calves will have a ton of HAIR! We did have one 92lb one...
  6. SKF

    Need a bull!!!

    We live in Florida and I am trying to find a bull we can buy.
  7. SKF

    Need a bull!!!

    Looking for a breeding age bull perfer a main-anjou or maine cross and it must be THF/PHF. Thanks!
  8. SKF

    84th NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION Callin all FFA Member!

    My dauhter is heading out this morning for her first trip to the National Convention. Plus this is her first time on a plane!!
  9. SKF

    New Calves pic (just for fun)

    Here's 2 calves we had a week ago they are 1 day apart in age but there's a huge size difference. LOL  Not a great picture of the calves but though the size difference was funny. The red one is a Ace of Diamonds and he is all legs.The black and white one is tiny little heifer out of an Ali son...
  10. SKF

    Bidder fraud at Vicklands online sale?

    The other person's name mentioned likes to claim cattle on his web site that he never owned or sold. There is a red calf in his winners page that we bought from Kris Black then resold to a local girl who is friends with him and it is now listed under his winners page. He has never laid a hand on...
  11. SKF

    Looking for a ride IA to FL/GA

    Looking for a ride for a heifer from IA to Fl or at least South Ga. Thanks
  12. SKF

    Video Tips

    I wish I could have some one I trust go look at the calves but thats hard to due when they are several states away. Its a down fall of living in South Florida, we not close to anything except the beach. I know how hard it is to photograph and video calves thats why I was trying to give some tips...
  13. SKF

    Video Tips

    After watching a ton of video's while we search for a new show heifer I would like to offer some friendly tips. I know the best thing when looking to buy a new calf is to go in person but when you live to far away to go look you have to rely on videos. When making a video please make sure it is...
  14. SKF

    Looking for a bull

    I am looking for a new herd bull. Must have a good disposition, sound, PHAF, THF and would prefer a Maine Anjou, Mainetainer or Shorthorn. Thanks! :)
  15. SKF

    HELP Steer with poor circulation!

    My daughter's steer has started buckling over on his front leg. We had our vet out to look at the steer and after examining him he discovered in the leg he buckles over in has poor circulation in it. You could see a big difference in his legs with thermal scan. Does anyone have any ideas what...
  16. SKF

    2-Registered Shorthorn Bulls forsale

    I have seen both and they are good bulls. The red roan is a CF Primo son.
  17. SKF

    Heatwave Bull for Sale

    I did not have any problems with calving. Most of his calves were in the 80lb range and all were born unassisted. I am going to try and get some calf pictures up tonight or by tomorrow. Thanks
  18. SKF

    Heatwave Bull for Sale

    Here in FL we have a lot of commercial shows that do not require reg. papers. They show by weight instead of age.  He is not a black baldie, he just has a white spot on his head. Some of his calves were baldies. I am going to try and find some calf pics to post so you can see how his first...