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  1. SKF

    Heatwave Bull for Sale

    He is horned and no he is not reg. I will post some pics of his calves tomorrow. Thanks!
  2. SKF

    Heatwave Bull for Sale

    Almost 3 yr old Heatwave x Macho bull for sale. He is halter broke and very gentle. My daughter showed him when he was younger and won grand champion bull with him. He is very sound and when he was younger he had great hair. We purchased him from Jeff Paulson in IA. We don't have enough cows for...
  3. SKF

    Looking for a judge to come judge our show!!

    Hi Yes I am interested if you can email me some names and numbers of anyone you know that might be interested. We are South Florida what part of Florida are you from?
  4. SKF

    Looking for a judge to come judge our show!!

    Its that time of year again that we are looking for a judge to come judge our prospect show. Last year we found a great judge off of Steer Planet and decided to try Steer Planet again. We are a 501(c)3 organization here in southwest Florida. 100% of all entry fees are paid back to the kids. Our...
  5. SKF

    Calves in the Rain????

    We have calves born in the rain all the time and they are just fine. Its not any fun when you have calving problems during the middle of a rain storm! We have had several over the years born during hurricanes and tropical storms so those we always name after the storms they were born in.
  6. SKF

    What do you think?

    Like to hear what you guys think of our little heifer. She was born March 10, 2011, her sire is a Heatwave x Macho and her dam is a Jazz x Angus. As this little heifer is growing I am starting to really like her. I am not sure if she will ever be a great show heifer but I think she might have...
  7. SKF

    Reg. Maine Bull for sale or trade

    We have a 6 yr.old reg. Maine Anjou bull sired by Ali. He is a great calving ease bull. We have kept some of his daughters so it is time to get rid of him. His calves have done real well for us. You can go to our web site to see pictures. Asking $2500 or trade for another...
  8. SKF

    Fall Born Steers for Sale

    Here's a few pics of some of our steers in the Road To Purple club calf sale, All the steers have a great dispositions. The smokie steer is extremly gentle and would be a great young exhibitors calf!! All the calves are located in FL and we can help anyone with getting...
  9. SKF

    Tiger Woods and Shorthorn Heifer

    The black calf is a Sept. born Tiger Woods x Slow Burn(Draft Pick) heifer. The red hiefer is a Sept. Jakes's Proud Jazz son x Sonny Granddaughter heifer. Both heifers are very sound heifers. We are located in Florida. They will be for sale in our sale April 1-3.
  10. SKF

    Tiger Woods

    We had a heifer this past fall. I am very happy with her so far. She is very sound, hairy, big boned and thick. Just hope she has enough growth in her.
  11. SKF

    Fall Borns

  12. SKF

    Fall Borns

    Here's a few pictures of some of our fall born calves for sale. We are selling them in our 1st sale the first weekend of April.  The first calf pictured is a steer sired by Blanco (Jake's Proud Jazz) x Paddy O'Mally. He has a TON of hair and this is hair grown in the Florida heat so imagine how...
  13. SKF

    Fall born blue roan heifer

    Here's a fall born blue roan heifer that will be in our sale. She is very sound and gentle.She will make a nice show heifer for any age exhibitor. My 4 yr. old can lead her around.Sired by Blanco (Jake's Proud Jazz son) and her dam is sired by About Time. She can be reg. as a shorthorn plus. You...
  14. SKF

    Looking for Florida bred steer

    I have several Fl born steers that fit your age requirements. You can check them out at and
  15. SKF

    New heifer in the showbarn

    She looks good!!! I love the color!
  16. SKF

    Heat ?

    We send in blood for the Biopryn pregnancy test at 33 days from the AI date on our heifer. Took the blood on Sat. and then on Wed. the heifer acted like she was in heat. Got the results back Thurs. and it said she was pregnant. Now my question is if she lost the pregnancy between Sat and Wed...
  17. SKF

    Facebook Page vs. Website

    We have both and I find we get more response from our website. The facebook is nice to have but there's still some people who are not on facebook so the web site reaches more people.
  18. SKF

    Looking for fall born Shorthorn hiefer

    I also have some shorthorn plus heifers for sale. I have pictures of all the calves on .