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  1. SKF


    They look good!
  2. SKF

    ****Name the Bull Promotion**** UPDATED PRIZE ADDED

    Sir Mix-a Lot, Apple Bottom "jeans", Getto Botty
  3. SKF


    She looks good! Is that the same heifer that you had on earlier? If so she has grown a lot. Good luck with her!!
  4. SKF

    Breeding Suggestions Please

    We are looging for some breeding suggestions on a few of our cows. The first one pictured is Who Made Who cow that has had 4 calves so far and never had any trouble. All her calves have been very sound and great disposition but very large frame. So we need something that will downsize and add...
  5. SKF

    Show Stick Problem

    I have used the broom trick in the past with any of the calves who kick and it works great with kickers but never thought of using for this problem. We'll have to give it a try. She know about pulling/pushing with the halter and always does a great job with getting her calves set up. Thats one...
  6. SKF

    How is your weather???

    Our weather down here in south Florida is very hot and humid!! All the calves are loosing their hair like crazy and all they want to do is stand in the water buckets.
  7. SKF

    Show Stick Problem

    Thanks I will try the curry comb. In 10 yrs of showing we have never had one who just hates it like he does.Usually all calves like being scratched by it but he does not want anything to do with it.  Maybe he had a bad experience with a show stcik before we got him is the only thing I can think...
  8. SKF

    Show Stick Problem

    We have done that and he is now fine with that but as soon as you get him out and walk him then try to use the show stick he acts up.
  9. SKF

    Show Stick Problem

    One of my daughters steers this year HATES the show stick. We have been tying him up and using the show stcik and he is okay with that but when she is trying to set him up he flips out about the show stcik. He even rared up at her over it today. She has been trying to just get him to walk into a...
  10. SKF

    Blue Ridge Classic Shorthorn Sale

    How did the sale go?
  11. SKF

    Myrtle Bo x Elderado Shorthorn heifers

    Russel- Nice heifers!! I wish we need another heifer!
  12. SKF

    Show steers lost in fire

    I am so sorry for your family's loss and will keep your family in my prayers.  (angel) (angel) (angel)  After reading your story I am going to get someone out to check all of our electrical  at the barn and make sure everything is in good shape.
  13. SKF

    Clean Up Bull Wanted

    We have a purebred Maine bull out of Ali. He has done a great job for us and we have kept some of his daughters so we need to sell him. He is pictured on our website, . We are located in Florida.
  14. SKF

    Fall Born Steers

    Oh I hate hearing that. Hope you find another good one.
  15. SKF

    Competing against your customers?

    To me thats a tough one. I know for myself I don't like to buy from people who have kids that mine will be competing against. What I do is all the calves are for sale but the one that my daughter likes the best we up the price. You never know which calves are going to be the best ones in the...
  16. SKF

    Fall Born Steers

    I am sorry to hear that. Which one got hurt?
  17. SKF

    Looking for shows open to Alabama Youth in SE - MS, GA, FL

    Our show is Oct. 2 in Arcadia, Fl and its open to anyone. Most Florida shows are open to anyone and if you go to you can find show info for most Fl shows.
  18. SKF

    Need hauling from Midwest to Georgia

    If you know someone who can pick my heifer up in KY that can bring it to Clemson to you I would be so greatful!!!! My heifer is still in KY and I am afraid I will never see her again.
  19. SKF

    TXshowlamb needs our prayers

    (angel) (angel) (angel) Get better soon!!
  20. SKF

    Bull stud opinions just a big ol WOW

    Yuppiecowboy- So true about some butt ugly cattle producing some incrediable calves. I have a cow that is butt ugly would be embarassed for people to see her but she has the prettest calves every year. Her calves are always the first to sell.