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  1. SKF

    Fall Born Steer Wanted

    Can you email me some pictures? My email is [email protected] Thanks
  2. SKF

    Fall Born Steer Wanted

    My daughter is looking for a fall born steer. It must be sound, hairy and it needs to be a steer that will get to about 1300. She has her choice between a Jan or March fair and we will be doing a lot of prospecting until then. Thank you!
  3. SKF

    Blue Roan Heifer

    She is sold.
  4. SKF

    7 year old pony for sale

    How many hands is she? Would she be good for a young beginner?
  5. SKF

    Our ugly duckling

    I will post pictures at 30 days and then at 60days. I think this will be a real good learning experience for her and her friends.Her friends all though she was awfulling looking when they saw and could not beleive she would buy a heifer that loked like that. I told to just wait and give her some...
  6. SKF

    Our ugly duckling

    Thanks for the comments. I wish had taken a picture before we washed her. Her hair was such a mess its amazing what a little water and soap can do.
  7. SKF

    Our ugly duckling

    We just got this heifer on Tues she came from SD and she looked  like a ragamuffin when we got her. He hair was such a mess and she has patches of missing hair all over her neck. Her face and neck were clipped some what. She is very green and needs a lot of TLC. She is an Aug. 09  Witch Dr x...
  8. SKF

    Lump on heifer *pics*

    We just got this heifer on Tuesday and today was the first day we were able to wash her. When she was wet we noticed a big lump on her rib cage area. The lump feels like its full of fluid. Wondering if anyone had any ideas. She was picked up in SD a few weeks ago and hauled to KY stayed there...
  9. SKF

    Rope Halters

    Highland Livestock Supplies has a good variety of halters. Lots of colors and their link in on Steerplanet. Thats who I order all of our halters from.
  10. SKF

    Alias Heifer - updated pic

    Saw in in person and she is a really nice heifer.
  11. SKF

    Fall born steer wanted

    I have a couple of steers fall born mainex steers left we are located in Florida and they are both in your price range. You can check us out at
  12. SKF

    Looking for fall born steers/heifers Florida

    I have two steers left that are Florida born. You can see some pictures on my website if your interested in any just pm for more info and I can get some more updated pics. Both have great dispositions and are very sound. I have one heifer but it would take some $$ for me...
  13. SKF

    Rocky calves

    I had one out of a Double Stuff and he is a real nice calf. Great bone, square hip, good muscle, lots of growth and hair like a yak.
  14. SKF

    what is the longest time you have waited on a cow to calve?

    We had a Rocky Balboa calf come 2 weeks late. He weighed 92lbs and everything was fine. Good Luck!!
  15. SKF

    Georgia State Livestock Show

    Does anyone know who won the steer and heifer show?
  16. SKF

    Please tell me what you think about this heifer...thanks :)

    Good luck at the shows with her. Hope she does well!!!
  17. SKF

    Crazy Heifer!!!! Help

    It must be a blue roan thing. :) She sounds just like our blue roan. We tried the broom thing with ours and she is fine with it but will still kick a person plus ours hates smaller kids. We have worked with her since Dec. and finally we are getting rid of her. <party> Who is she out of? Our is...
  18. SKF

    Calf Scambles??

    I have seen on youtube videos of calf scambles and would like to know more about how they work. We are looking for some ideas for our county fair to help get kids back involved and thought if the kids could win a calf in a scamble that it would be an incentive to get some kids back involved if...