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  1. S

    Shows in eastern texas

    There is one January 5 I do believe in Henderson, Texas.
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    Used show equipment in great shape (NEW PHOTOS)

    Well let me know if the calves come this way. I am very interested in the chute. I am just afraid shipping on it would eat me up.  :o
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    Used show equipment in great shape (NEW PHOTOS)

    How much do you think shipping would cost to Texas??
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    1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? i love wrapping presents! 2. Real tree or artificial?  artificial 3. When do you put up the tree? right after Thanksgiving 4. When do you take the tree down? about a week after New Years 5. Do you like eggnog? NO 6. Favorite gift received as a child? probally some...
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    When did you or you child start showing?

    I started showing goats when i was like 10. I had always wanted to show cattle, but my daddy wouldn't let me until I got into high school. He didn't think that I could handle a calf at my age. So as soon as I was a freshman, I got my first calf. Almost three years of showing have gone by fast...
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    Woody's first snow!

    I think that we do need to have another photo contest!
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    Im soooo excited!!!

    I am happy for you. I would like to see a picture of your red limi/red angus. I bred my red angus to a black limi and she should be calving in April.
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    Testing The Market On Some New "Show Bling"

    I really like them. Like cattlejunky said, it would be awesome if you could make some in camo. I would most deffinately be buying one then.
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    hello and some Q's

    It gets rid of it all the way down to the skin. I haven't ever had one grow back.
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    s.r.s livestock washing soap

    Do you accept credit cards for payment?
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    Need a little help

    If it is a very gentle calf, it is possible. My first year of showing, I didn't have a chute and had to clip my Charolais heifer without one. She acted like it didn't even bother her.
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    hello and some Q's

    There is a really easy method to get rid of warts that I use, and all you need is fishing line. Just tie the fishing line in a knot around the wart pull it tight and the wart should pop right off.
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    black hided cats

    I have had two black cats before, and they were the gentlest ever.
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    I had the same thing happen to a calf of mine back in May. When I took him to the vet, he said he had no idea what the cause of it was.
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    show steer wanted

    what breed steer are you wating?
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    I am pretty sure he is in that weight range. He has been wormed, the feed doesn't seem dusty, he has free choice of hay and water at night. He doesn't get water during the day because he is kept in a small pen. I will surely get some B-12. Question though: when i turn my heifer and steer out...
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    I show my steer in march, and he isn't gaining much weight because he doesn't have a big appetite. When I first got him and started him on a small ration, he ate it all fine. It is just that since I have increased it trying to get him to gain weight, he never finishes it. What could I give him...
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    Magnolia Texas show

    do you have anymore info on it? i haven't herad of it and would like to go