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  1. S

    ~Brand new show steer necklaces~~ L@@K

    you are very talented  <party>
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    Tell me the difference

    Oh, and be a jr as looong as you can, because its usually cheaper! And I'm pretty sure you get all of the same benefits.
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    Tell me the difference

    My first year of being an angus and charolaise jr member, I got one free year of their breed magazines.
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    Slick shearing cattle

    If it was a long haired calf, we usually shaved all the hair down one day and then on the next day shaved what was left up.
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    Semen Age

    It's a braford bull named RO Red Mac 5207. I don't raise brafords, I just needed some cheap semen to practice on some open cows I bought from the sale barn because all of my cattle were already bred. Then if they stick I'm going to keep them for a few months and then take them back to the sale barn.
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    Semen Age

    I just started out AIing, so when I saw some semen for $5 I jumped on it. I figured I would buy some cheap since I might be missing some the first few go arounds. Well my question is, I just realized that the bull I bought the semen from was born in 1985. Is the semen still any good? I wasn't...
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    Sem-Angus Heifers and bulls for sale

    Are the bulls bald faces, and what are their ages? I would like to have at least a 3-4 year old black baldy bull.Also where are you located.
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    Calf chews on EVERYTHING

    I think sullivans have calf muzzles. That would keep him from chewing through halter while tied.  It sounds a lot like a cribbing horse, never heard of it in cattle though.
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    Life Expectancy of a Beef Cow?

    I am 19 years old, and we still have a cow that we bottle fed and raised when I was 5. So i guess you can do the math, lol. 
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    Drinking water at shows

    Have your calves practice drinking out of buckets at home to get them used to it. And you could maybe put some koolaide in the water to give it a sweet smell to make the calve interested in it.
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    High quality bulls for sale

    any pics? looking for a black baldy here
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    very good steer with a bad appetiate

    I think it's called appetite express, and it work really good. You can get it from Sullivans. It comes in a paste or pellet.
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    Names for cow killing club calf bulls.

    In reply to you astar, there is a new bull out there named House Call.. Lol