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    Long on heifer calves

    Once again, same here. Out of about 20 calves, only 4 have been bulls. I had 8 straight heifers before I had my first bull.
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    got a registration question?

    How does it work with Charolais? What if the mom was registered, but the sire was not? I have a nice looking calf, and it would be nice to register her some way.
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    Cow w/ gash and full of air

    Thank you so much for everyones advice! I started rinsing her today, and will continue to do so until the wound heals. I also started her on some more penicillin. Should I give it to her everyday, and how many ml per 100lb body weight? I've heard 5ml per 100lb is most effective, is that true? As...
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    Cow w/ gash and full of air

    I just talked to a vet today that knows everything that's going on, and he said not to worry about it. Guess I need to find her a different vet.
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    Cow w/ gash and full of air

    All the vet really did was stick his hand in the wound to make sure nothing was in it. He didn't check for any broken ribs. She can barely walk, and kind of does it sideways like a drunk- would a broken rib do that? Also I forgot to add that she is due to calf within 2-4 weeks. She was...
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    Cow w/ gash and full of air

    One of my good cows Wednesday got into something that she shouldn't have. She has a huge gash 6" wide and 8" deep right behind her right forearm, like in her "armpit", and it goes up towards her brisket. She must of fell on something, or rared up on another cow and fell onto something, but I...
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    Reg angus heifer for sale

    Could you email me pics at [email protected] Would you have any way to haul to Texas?
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    Baby Calf Born Yesterday - Pics

    Thanks so much for the suggestions, both of those bulls look great! The only problem I have with my female, which you can't really tell from the pictures, but she has hardly any neck extension. Would either of these bulls lengthen and pretty her up through the front?
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    hardware Try going there. Maybe it will help you out.
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    Baby Calf Born Yesterday - Pics

    I just wanted to thank everybody who posted a positive reply. I ended up naming her Idabell. CPL: I can't remember who mom is sire by, I can't find her papers at the moment  :-\  I decided to breed her Angus the first go around because it's the kind of bull we had handy. I am going to AI her to...
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    Baby Calf Born Yesterday - Pics

    I just wanted to show off my baby calf born last night. I took pictures of her this morning, so she is pictured at less than 24 hrs old. Her dam is my old show heifer from last year, a Hereford from Nelson Land and Cattle, and the sire is an Angus. She was actually born a week early. She doesn't...
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    My New Bull

    Thanks for the positive feedback.
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    Also, I would make sure to get a filter so your mister ends don't get stopped up. I think Sullivans has one.
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    Steer Calf

    Work with him in a small area and maybe tie another rope on to the end of your halter lead rope, that way if he does duck his head and run you will still have him. He doesn't need to know he can get away.
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    My New Bull

    He is a reg. angus. His sire is Grid Topper and his dam is a WAR Cowboy Up Daughter. He just turned a year old on April 1. What do yall think? Sorry about the panels is the backgroud.
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    Post your last karma

    BIGTEX + hellping a new member out.  September 06, 2008, 08:49:50 AM
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    Texas Blow Out Sale new pic's

    Where can I find pictures of the bulls?