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  1. S

    home sweet home!

    Welcome home Red!!! You better take things easy.
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    Just Had My First Calf

    Thanks for all the replys. His mom is one of my old show calves, she did really good every where we went. The bull he is out of is a New Horizon son. I want to AI to a reg. Char this next time around, any suggestions? I would be hoping for a heifer.
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    Just Had My First Calf

    He was born 3 days ago, I named him Rouger. His mom is a reg. Charolais and his dad is a reg. Angus. The pictures are from him one and two days old. Y'all guys have been having calves up a storm and I've been patiently waiting on mine, lol. It's really cute because he is solid grey except for...
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    Blood In Calf's Stool

    I have a bull calf that is 7 1/2 months old. I keep him in a lot because I just weaned him two weeks ago. Yes, curse me for falling behind on my job. For the past couple of days his stool has been a little loose, but this morning I noticed blood in it. The first thing that came into my mind was...
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    Top 5 Country Artists

    1. George Strait 2. Taylor Swift 3. Carrie Underwood 4. Gary Allen 5. Jason Aldean
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    Hurricane Ike

    I live in a small town, Carthage, right on the east border of Texas and Louisiana near Shreveport. Places around here are already running out of gas, and the places that haven't have spiked up to like $4 or more.
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    Late February heifer... opinion please

    Can't tell much from the picture, post a new one when you get it. This picture makes it look like her back feet turn out, but maybe it's just the way she's standing. When you want to post a new picture, to the left of the post button in blue it says "Additional Options..." Click on that and then...
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    calves for sale

    How much for the smoke and baldy?
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    recipe for a dessert

    Yummm... I will have to try that. Thanks for sharing.  :D
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    County Steer - Opinions Please

    Well when he got weighed 2 weeks ago he weighed 856 so i figure his weight as of right now is about right.
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    County Steer - Opinions Please

    This is my county steer pictured at about 700-750 pounds about a month and a half ago. I won't be showing him until the end of February and he shows slick. I just shaved all the dead red hair off of him last week and he looks ten times better, but these are the only pictures I have of him...
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    Home again!

    Welcome home Red!!!  (clapping)
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    Do you still have any of these for sale?
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    What can I do to put weight on a steer?

    Maybe try some Sullivan's appetite express or give him some probiotics. Also make sure he is getting a free choice of water, because water in the main ingredient when it comes to getting them to eat.
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    Update on Roxy

    I'm really sorry about your loss.  :'( Things will get better.
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    When does school start in your area?

    School starts for me next Monday. Senior year, woo hoo! lol  (clapping)
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    Looking for >>>

    I have an Angus calf that was born February 18 that can be registered. He is still a bull but could be castrated for a steer. Let me know if you would like for me to get some pictures.
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    Looking for >>>

    What breed of registered steer?
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    Let's come together for Red

    I sent mine out this morning. Get better Red!
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    Please help. Steer won't eat.

    Does he have free choice water? Because sometimes, if they aren't drinking they aren't going to eat. Also something you can try, get a small bottle of Vitamin B-12, draw up 2-3cc, take the needle off and squirt it under his tongue. I did it with my steer last year when his appetite went bad and...