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  1. S


    Warts are awful. My steer last year had a couple and after i got them off, they never came back. You ain't got to guy buy any creams or anything, all you need is some fishing line. Just take the fishing line and put it around the base of the wart and then tie it like your going to tie your shoe...
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    Bling Halters

    I bet it could be easy to make one. Just buy one of those studded jewl kits or whatever they are called and there is a way you can put them on stuff. Maybe somebody will know what i am talking about.
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    A few pf our spring calves

    How much for the sim X angus?
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    Steer Planet Photo Contest - Post "BABY CALVES" Photos Here:

    A calf from my reg. angus cow and the red one is just out of a commercial cow.
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    Hair Question

    Thanks for the advice. It really helped me out!
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    Hair Question

    Since it's starting to get hot outside and I don't have another show until the end of September, what is your input on shaving off the old hair on a heifer? Will it grow back soon enough for the September show, and does it really come back better than before? I have never done this before and...
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    Looking for a Used Fan

    If anybody has one that they would like to sell, please let me know! Preferably a Sullivan, but another good brand would be OK too.
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    How much?
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    Calves for sale

    Where are you located and how much are they?
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    Summer Movies

    When I found out that I was going to have to go watch that movie, I was dreading it. Suprisingly, I really really liked it! It keeps you on your toes.
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    Help with infection??

    Maybe this isn't too off subject, but when you do band a calf, how long should it take before they ever fall off? We did this to a calf it seems like almost two months ago and they are still there. You can tell they are dried and shriveled up, but is it possible for new skin to grow around the...
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    Texas People!!

    Welcome to Texas  (clapping)
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    CliparT Copy and paste the link above, or maybe you can click on it, I don't know. But it's and they have some clipart.
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    Name that tune!

    How about Neil Young, Daddy went walking????
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    3 yr old strictley buisness son

    Can you post some pics, and what's the price? And why does he have to be with so many cows?
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    Sullivans Medium Showbox for Sale

    Looks like you have been to Ft. Worth and got you a free Home Depot bucket. lol - I have one too.  :D
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    Which One???

    Thank you everybody for all of the advice. I might rethink things and try to find a better heifer. These were just the first two I have seen so far that are near by me. Where can I find a picture of the heifer ZNT has for sale?