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  1. S

    Which One???

    Both of these calves are going to be at a sale this Friday. I am interested in purchasing one of them. In your opinion, which one would you purchase, and what are your likes and dislikes of both?? Thanks!!
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    Pictures: My Son's Investment!

    Nice looking calf!  (thumbsup)
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    Wanted Calf!!!!

    I have an Angus cross calf that is still a bull, but can be a steer. He was born December 15. I can get pictures if you would like.
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    Gas Prices

    In Texas, gas went down to 3.14 and diesle is up to 3.79. It is crazy!
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    Needed: Red Angus

    Are you going to sale the calf?
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    San Antonio Pictures

    Does anybody know the website you can go to to see the pictures taken at the San Antonion Stock Show??
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    Needed: Red Angus

    I am looking for a Red Angus show heifer for the up coming Texas Major Shows in 2009. Please let me know if anybody can help me out if you know of any sales with one,  or if you have one.
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    I need some help, please

    I hope your cow gets better.
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    My First Calf is Here... w/ Pictures!

    Yes, they are chicken houses. I am not sure exactly who they grow for. I would assume Tyson, because that's who most people around here grow for.
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    My First Calf is Here... w/ Pictures!

    Thank you for all the suggestions everybody. I am not sure yet if I want to keep the next calf a reg. Angus, or cross. I really like the bull Golden Child. I don't know how he would work on my cow though. Any thoughts??
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    My First Calf is Here... w/ Pictures!

    Here is my first new addition to the family. The pictures of him are when he was a day old, yesterday. Also, next time I breed the momma, I want to AI her. Any suggestions?? She is a reg. Angus.
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    steer question

    tackes: He won't let my dad walk past him. He really doesn't like anybody behind him. The treats thing might work. I will try it. Thanks!
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    steer question

    Me and my steer are very close. When it's just the two of us, he acts fine. My problem is that on March 7th I show him at our county fair, and he won't let anybody else touch him. If I have him set up and rubbing him with the showstick and my dad or anybody else walks up to him to feel on him...
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    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale in Iowa

    What is her price?
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    help! sick heifer

    OK, I will. Where is the vet located?
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    help! sick heifer

    Since she is already burried, would it be too late to find anything out?
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    help! sick heifer

    This morning after my heifer passed, my daddy called a vet from my town that was on call. I live in a small town in Texas, and I now believe vets here are stupid. My daddy called him about the autopsy. The vet told him it would almost be useless because there was only a 20 to maybe 30% chance in...
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    help! sick heifer

    Thank you for all of the replies and help. One of the vets I went to told me that I should rinse my heifer at least 3 to 4 times a day to keep her cool. This morning she was laying down and didn't want to get up. We finally got her up and tied her to our fence to rinse her off. While doing this...