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  1. S

    help! sick heifer

    There is something bad wrong with my Red Angus heifer. I have had three vets look at her and they don't know exactly what is wrong, and the medicene they keep giving her isn't working much. I will try and make things short on explaining. On our way to the San Antonio Livestock Show, which is...
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    milk replacer

    I think that I will stay away from the milk replacer. He is pretty tall I guess but he doesn't look skinny or anything. Steer's at our country show don't really get that big. Maybe a couple. He will be in the right range in March compared to all of the other steers. And by the way, what does IMO...
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    RAHHH......... I give up.  ???
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    I think I got it!! 9,618???
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    milk replacer

    He is finishing real well right now. He weighs a good 1,050 right now and he shows at the beginning of March. I started adding Golden Flow to his feed a couple of months back.
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    Holy cow, how did you get that many?? And I didn't even think about the bus driver.  :o
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    Is it 238???
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    milk replacer

    He doesn't need hair, he will be shown slick. I want to add it because I heard it gave them a good bloom. I don't know exactly, that's what I am trying to figure out.
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    milk replacer

    What is everybody's input on adding milk replacer to a steer's feed? I heard it was high in protein. If anyone knows more about it and how much to feed it, please let me know. I'd like to know more before trying it out.
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    Are you worming her regularly? If not, check for worms. That was the problem I had in getting my steer to gain weight once.
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    couple of fall borns

    I love the red steer! I would like to know his dob and price also.
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    Shorthorn Heifer For Sale

    I saw this heifer in Ft. Worth and she is very nice looking. How did you end up placing in your class?
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    Fort Worth Jr. Heifer Results

    My April 06' Red Angus heifer placed 5th in her class out of 25. After she was all clipped up, she looked like a totally different heifer. I will post a picture as soon as I get it. Also, I caught in the Calf Scramble Sunday and got $500 to help me buy a calf for next year.
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    where to find

    Where can I find a new Red Angus show heifer for next year? If there are any good ones that you know of can you let me know. I know there are some Red Angus people on here.
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    In Texas Monday it was 78. Way too hot for January.
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    Ft. Worth Show

    I will be there too with my Red Angus heifer.
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    Starsky X Wyoming Wind Heifer

    How much are you asking?
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    red angus bull for sale

    How old is he? Could you get some pictures of him and his offsprings?
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    baby calf

    Before we brought the baby calf to my house, we tried in every way to let it suck on his momma. One time, she actually tried to kill him. She head butted him against the wall on the barn and wouldn't let him go. After the cow gets bred back, my grandpa intends on taking her to the sale barn...
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    baby calf

    My grandpa's cow just had a first time calf. The momma wouldn't take him. My grandpa said that he didn't have time to mess with the baby, so he left his future in my hands. I brought him from my grandpa's house to mine, and made him a little pen in my back yard. There are tarps blocking the wind...