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    Nose Bleed

    We bed in wood shavings. I don't think that would have anything to do with it, because it has never bothered him before. And I would be a nervous wreck too if that happened to my calf at a show. I am glad your daughter overcame it. But I think that I will just take shortyisqueen's advice and...
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    Nose Bleed

    Not that I know of. It didn't start bleeding until the middle of me working with him.
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    Nose Bleed

    So, while I was working with my steer earlier this afternoon, I looked down to realize that he had a nosebleed. It was only out of one nostril and kind of mixed in with  clear snot. This went on for some time, because when I was done working with him and put him back into his pen, it was still...
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    tell me what you think

    can you explain what you are talking about with her hind legs/pasturns. i don't know much about that. and i will be keeping her for breeding when she is done showing.
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    vegetable oil

    i mean like the actual vegetable oil that you would fry food with
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    vegetable oil

    has anybody heard of adding a half of a cup of vegetable oil to your calf's feed to make its hair shinier?? i got that off of some other show forum, but i can't remember which one.
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    tell me what you think

    she is a little bit swayed back, if that's what you want to call it, but she a lot fatter now then in this picture and also bred. i will take a new one hopefully tomorrow and post it on here. i plan on showing her locally and at ft. worth, san antonio, and houston.
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    Karma NEW AND IMPROVED - 1 week Trial

    what exactly is karma?
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    tell me what you think

    ....There are lots of Red Angus folks on here. I am sure they will have more appropriate feed back. oh ok. thank you OH Breeder for you opinion. also, how do you make it show up purple when you are referring to what somebody else has said.
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    tell me what you think

    she was born april 14 2006 and she is a red angus. i'm not sure her breeding because my FFA teacher keeps our papers during show season. this picture is a couple of months old, but it was the only one i have of her. i will try to get a recent one to see if there is much difference. thank yall!
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    tell me what you think

    this is the heifer i am going to be showing this year. she has her tailhead hair kind of rubbed off in this picture. but i would like some honest opinions on what yall think about her, and what i could possibly do to fix things that are wrong. thanks!
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    To Nasc....

    He said she was the 2nd best muscled calf in the class but wasnt long enough good job! those are very nice calves. i have had that happen to me before, the judge told me my calf had the best muscle, but her body wasnt quiet long enough.
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Red!!!
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    what part of texas are you looking for? i know a couple in the eastern area.
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    Golden Flow??

    ok so what exactly does the oats do?? and how much do i ad? i feed 3 scoops Martin Dale Finisher and 1 scoop Beet Pulp twice daily. I know i am a goober, but i dont really know how many pounds that is lol. the scoop is about the size of a large coffe can.
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    Golden Flow??

    how do you know if you are making the ration hot?
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    Golden Flow??

    ok so for my first question, i am going to ask about Golden Flow. It is a product i have thought about using, but i don't know much about it. I will be adding it to my steers feed and I wont be showing him until March at our county show. He is about a year old right now, but im not sure how much...
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    aw the donkey is too cute. Thank you for the welcoming.
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    hey yall. im a newbie here and just wanted to say that i have been visiting this website for a couple of weeks now, and decided i wanted to register for it because it seems so awesome. i look foward to getting to know some of yall and getting to learn new things about showing cattle and such.