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  1. jchumley

    security system

    I use a Sensaphone alarm system. It was around $300 to purchase but does not require any monthly contract or fee, just a phone line to the cooler. You can even get an adapter to use a cell phone  with bluetooth capabilities.
  2. jchumley

    2005 Cherokee show trailer w/full living quarters-SOLD!!!!!!

    10' full living quarters with shower, toilet refrigerator, microwave and sink. Has a couch that folds out to a full bed. 4k Onan generator on hayrack and 2 air conditioners. 16 foot air conditioned stock compartment with plexiglass all around and 1 cut gate, side ramp and rear ramp. Awning on...
  3. jchumley


    Location, price and contact info. Please
  4. jchumley

    Refrigeration unit for cool room $600-Sold

    Yes-it has been sold-Thanks showsteermom.
  5. jchumley

    calf hoof trimming table, price reduced !SOLD

    I sure wish you were closer to me!
  6. jchumley

    Refrigeration unit for cool room $600-Sold

    I would like this out of my barn ASAP. $600 cash. 936-661-2568
  7. jchumley

    Refrigeration unit for cool room $600-Sold

    Fans are BOHN brand not sure on the compressor.
  8. jchumley

    Refrigeration unit for cool room $600-Sold

    $1000.00 OBO Located 1 hour north of Houston. 936-661-2568
  9. jchumley

    Refrigeration unit for cool room $600-Sold

    I have a complete cooler for sale. The room is partially homemade and may or may not not be worth taking down but the Refrigeration unit and inside fan unit works very well. I used it to cool a 12x12 room with 3 fat steers and it will keep the temperature in the low 40's in the Texas heat. I...
  10. jchumley

    Cattle and Lawyers

    What an awesome young lady. She will be in high demand.
  11. jchumley

    Houston parking tag

    Anyone have a parking tag that they do not need for Houston during the week of March 7th? We were not lucky enough to get one this year. I would gladly pay you for it.
  12. jchumley

    Hoof Trimmers around Houston, TX

    We use Lyle Williams also-He does a good job.
  13. jchumley

    Power Plus vs Navajo?

    Kevin, We used a Navajo son as our cleanup bull and on our heifers for a couple of years. I really liked the calves we were getting and the birth weights. I have never used Powerplus so I could not give you an opinion on how they compare.
  14. jchumley

    Who all is going to the steer show at Fort Worth???

    We will be there with an exotic steer-my son will not show until Friday. We would like to meet other exhibitors and also make new contacts to buy show cattle from. James Chumley 936-661-2568 cell #