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  1. jchumley

    Cows for sale-sold

    Date on pictures is wrong. These pictures were taken 10/14/2009. Thanks, James.
  2. jchumley

    Cows for sale-sold

    More pictures and calves.
  3. jchumley

    Cows for sale-sold

    ***I have had a lot of calls on these cows but they are still for sale. I will sale the entire herd for $25000 and individually the cows and pairs start at $800.Make me an offer.*** 29 head for sale. 12 pairs and the other half is due within 60 days. Bloodlines include; Meyer, Powerplant...
  4. jchumley

    Clubby cows for sale

    I will get some current pictures as soon as the weather allows. Calves are out of a black maine herd bull.
  5. jchumley

    Clubby cows for sale

    I have 28 clubby cross cows that I need to sell. Bloodlines are; fullflush, irish whisky, Habanero, Midas, Power plant, etc. They are 5-9 years old and either have a calf on their side now or will calve within 60 days. We have been in a drought here in Texas and I need to sell them. I am asking...
  6. jchumley

    charolais steer

    Please sent price and location. [email protected]
  7. jchumley

    Fall Borns available! (new pictures)

    Thanks for the reply!!!!
  8. jchumley

    Fall Borns available! (new pictures)

    Left you a message yesterday and did not hear back from you. ???
  9. jchumley

    Calves for sale

    I will get more pictures posted this weekend.
  10. jchumley

    Calves for sale

    side view
  11. jchumley

    Calves for sale

    I have some November and December calves for sale. 4 heifers and 3 bulls/steers. They are out of 1/2 blood to purebreed Maine clubby type mommas and our cleanup bull out of Ali. I have just weaned them and put them on full feed. I am clipping and tie breaking them as I have time. They are priced...
  12. jchumley

    Used Fans

    I would like to know where you are located and how to get in touch with you.
  13. jchumley

    Wanted: Market Show Steer for April

    I have a nice red baldy that we showed in Houston last week.He was purchased at Bonham show cattle and He is 1325 right now. He has been shown all over Texas this summer and can be shown by anyone. He has been champion or reserve simmental many times at jackpot shows this year. I will take...
  14. jchumley

    Herd reduction

    My new e-mail address is [email protected]
  15. jchumley

    Herd reduction

    My phone number is listed in the first post and my e-mail is [email protected] Thanks, James
  16. jchumley

    Herd reduction

    Please do give me some info on the sale in Athens. Most of these cows are registered maines.
  17. jchumley

    Herd reduction

    Because of the drought here in Texas, I need to reduce my herd by about 15 head. They are maine/angus based clubbie type cows bred to a half brother of Ali and will calve starting this month through January. Price varies depending on how many you purchase, $1000/head to $1500/head. You can reach...