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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Who is going to Denver

    Will be down there every weekend (Fri-Sun) of the stock show (3 weekends), not showing this year only being a spectator this year. Will be fun!!!
  2. Mueller Show Cattle

    How much should I sell this bull for?

    My dad looked into them this past summer, there is not a large amount of breeders around which could help you but depending on the interest, that could hurt you. The breeder was selling a start up package which included 3 yearling heifers and a yearling bull for $7000. So that was 4 miniature...
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Big Guns seen him or any calves?

    You know Mark, when he first came out and I seen his picture in the semen catalog, I thought he was the best looking bull. Then he fell to the side and did not hear anything about him or his calves. He is old enough to have calves on the ground. I never used him as I usually wait and hear or see...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Pinched nerve in heifer's back

    Thanks Ejoe326, that is a positive post. I am trying to stay positive, I am trying to keep her will to live up, keeping her off her side is the biggest complication. I am not giving up on her and want her not to give up on herself. I have taken her temperature and she was 99.1 F last night which...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    Pinched nerve in heifer's back

    The part that irritates me is she seems to have no will to live, I don't know how may time I have sat her up from laying on her side, when she is on her side she acts like she is giving up. So I sit her up and put her front legs back under her so she can breath better and is not lethargic.
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    Pinched nerve in heifer's back

    Ok, I am opening this thread back open as I have a heifer with what I believe has a pinched nerve. I was not expecting her to calve till December, was off. I don't know how long she was in labor, could have been having difficulty for 8 hours or so. The calf was dead and hip locked, the vet had...
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    Low BW Angus bull to use on a Clubby Heifer

    I had a 50LB Northern Improvement heifer calf out of a clubby heifer, came easy and quick this spring, nice heifer that I am keeping for a replacement. I believe you can have a large calf out of any bull if it is a clubby heifer/cow. The heifer/cow has a lot to do with it. I had a 50LB heifer...
  8. Mueller Show Cattle

    Bama, Oregon, Ohio State, FSU (N/C)

    Ditto, they are already ranked 1 and 2, if they stay undefeated, don't see it changing.
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    Yes Gargan, that game was still going on when I posted, that is an upset also. That one surprised me the most, going to be interesting to see how the ranking are come Monday.
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    Well this week made standings clear as mud, Georgia lost again, S. Carolina lost, both of them two are upsets. Not listed as an upset now as Mizzou was ranked higher now but Mizzou kicked some gator tail with a Freshman QB. Next week with S. Carolina at Mizzou. Go Tigers 7-0!
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    To me it is not even close what the best divsion is, SEC has 8 teams ranked in the top 25, The closest division to that is 4 teams (half amount of SEC) in the top 25, PAC 12 being one with 4 teams in top 25. But I do agree with Oregon, I think they are the team to beat this year and will win it...
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    Yes, Franklin has a grade 2 separated shoulder that CBS reported he would miss the remaining 6 games of the season. Tigers head coach Pinkel stated that was false and is saying he will miss at least a couple weeks, beyond that it is unknown which still sucks as the next 2 weeks were big at home...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    Not bragging, saying that Mizzou is better than people gave them credit for. They will compete and I believe that they will give Florida a run for their money this week in Missouri. Yes they have been investigated in the past, that is not going to affect them now, believe the last time they were...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    NCAA Football upsets

    My MIZZOU tigers took down the Georgia Dawgs on the road 41 to 26, can only see MIZZOU ranked #25 going way up. Then Texas takes down Oklahoma. My biggest laugh was is listening to people saying Missouri didn't belong in the SEC, they could not compete, well not saying they are going to win the...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    Calf Buy Back Programs

    Mill Iron, thanks for the input, I will google him and see if I can get some contact information on him. Thanks for the help.
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Calf Buy Back Programs

    I am looking for some responses of a embryologist that does a calf buy back program. I would like to stay in the Rocky Mountain region or the Midwest, WY, MT, CO, KS, NE, SD, IA and MO. Cow Country Genetics in Cody WY does this program  but they are full for the next year, don't know of anymore...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    at the end of the rope

    Sounds like Calf Training 101 by Dan Dvorak, if so it is a great video for breaking calves, Use to be link in SP hall of fame I think. I think it is a great video and believe in his method. I use to use all muscle, got smarter and like this method. Is worth the $40, can save you some time and...
  18. Mueller Show Cattle

    Just in case you don't get a chance to see him in the wash rack

    Is he coming to Denver Harley, or do you know what lineup you are bringing to Denver? Will be here before you know it, got two kids in our 4-H club showing catch a calf at NWSS 2014.
  19. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    I love hearing all you people, I pay your salary, I pay all this stuff by paying taxes, so I pay taxes also, so I pay my own salary and everything else you mention. I would be willing to say that you pay less than a cent of anything I get. VA benefits, I collect nothing as I did not retire from...
  20. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    I can really care less what you think, we all know you think your the smartest on the forum, your a google guy we all know that including you. We could train a monkey to do what you do with using a search engine. I agree with Gargan, you like to run a topic till its like beating a dead horse. I...