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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    Fubar, you fool nobody, you think you know what is best on all this, when someone posts something, you look from what state they are from and see what you can google up on that state. That fact is when I moved from Missouri to Wyoming, my car insurance went way down. Say what you want about all...
  2. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    PIG= Pride, Integrity and Guts, so being called a pig does not bother me.
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    Isn't worth much coming from you, Xbar I see you as a young adult that has not grown up and still immature and would love to meet the person behind the computer screen, by the way I know I'm not the only one that has said that about you. Last thing I'm going to say is I'm not a fake and many...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    I have just been sitting back and reading, I see Xbar as the typical smarta__. No I'm not an English major and don't clame to be. Xbar is over 10 years younger than me and college educated, so he still has some maturing to do, it is understandable. I am 6' 3 1/2 or over 6' 4 in my boots and...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    I'm starting to think it is a hoax, I just noticed that it is dated on 02-19-2013 which is almost 5 months ago, so I think it is a hoax, damn the bad luck, oh well. Sorry if I got anyone excited.
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    Is this true?

    This is something that I seen on Facebook so I don't know if it is a hoax or not, wanted to see if anyone heard about this, it talks about Obama is facing 3 charges which will start the impeachment process. Could be a hoax, don't know so I'm not getting excited yet...
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    North Colorado State?

    (clapping) totally agree Gargan!! I just got home from being at county fair for the last week in my camper. My last posts were sent from my cell phone. You response is how I would respond also. You see I have been a Police Officer now for 15 years and have never been bothered by high capacity...
  8. Mueller Show Cattle

    national-geographic-photographer-arrested-taking-photos-kansas feedlot

    Xbar state law does add to some. See you would be the minority in Wyoming and many red states. So stick with the bleeding heart liberals and maybe one day you will realize what a big mistake you were making. You probably also believe history don't repeat it's self and this is the type of crap...
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    national-geographic-photographer-arrested-taking-photos-kansas feedlot

    Obama care covers 300 million Americans. OIF killed 4,486 Americans. Good comparison.  Again, Obamacare is an investment; OIF was an expense. What you call as an investment, many others call as reckless spending including myself. I don't want Obamacare nor does my state as we just passed a...
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    North Colorado State?

    Totally agree GoWyo, they would be a great addition to our state and have the same views as a lot of us in Wyoming. We were talking about that on facebook that Wyoming should just run our state line a little south to include these northern Colorado counties into our state.
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    national-geographic-photographer-arrested-taking-photos-kansas feedlot

    Not saying I agree with that spending even as a US Veteran. But Obamacare estimated cost of 900 Billion at the start and still going up. Well over twice of the cost of Iraqi Freedom if we talk about wasteful spending. You might not consider this wasteful spending but me and MANY others do, just...
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    North Colorado State?

    Sounds good in my opinion. Hope it goes through as I am for it and can understand the people that live in those counties wanting away from the views of people in the large cities such as Denver that imposed stricter gun control and making marijuana legal. For those folks in those counties, I...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    Dream On x PB Limmi

    I don't think it was a waste, I would have liked a heifer more than a bull calf. But I would try and sell him as a 4-H steer, he could surprise some people. I would try and get a 4-H kid to buy him. I think it could of been a good connection if the calf was a heifer. You did good for the semen...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    Jesse James

    Cattle Cards, don't let some of these guys bother you, you breed for show cattle, they breed commercial cattle. I have seen your pictures and are some very nice calves, honestly I have not thought of using JJ until I read this post and seen some pictures of his calves. Has made me think about...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    Two-Stage Weaning

    I have some spiked ones like posted above and have used them, but I think I like these better. The spikes ones pokes the bag of the cow when they try and suck, so the cow can kick at the calf. I think this would be easier on the cows and save some of the calves getting kicked at by the cow when...
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    First Calf Heifers Calves as Replacements

    Couple comments on that, always go with your gut feeling. I have never been burnt on that, why cause like I said show cattle are different then commercial. I feed my show cattle cows no different then our commercial cattle cows. If they don't pan out to be show cattle, then the worst is they go...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    First Calf Heifers Calves as Replacements

    Well, show cattle and commercial cattle are way different. But I would in no way follow this for the show cattle, not in the commercial either in my opinion. I have a Meyer 734 heifer just had her 1st calf and is turning into a great cow now. She just had a Northern Improvement heifer and it is...