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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle Apps (iphone, android)

    I usually use my calendar on my Iphone that sends me reminders when I do the CIDR process and AI but an app would be good also, maybe it could be built into a calculator with gestation table to count down the time for you. I would pay for an app also that would be like a spread sheet that you...
  2. Mueller Show Cattle


    I bought a couple straws on him last year as my wife just had to have some of him, have not used him yet, by the looks of the pics it looks like he adds some frame size.
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle Apps (iphone, android)

    I almost never have data service at the ranch, too many hills between towers. I tell people to text me cause that will go through but I always loose cell service while trying to talk to someone on my cell at the ranch. That is why an app would be great. I could use the above app you are talking...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle Apps (iphone, android)

    I agree Mtnman, that would help a lot also, rite now I do everything by pen and paper, would be awesome to have an app keep track off all that breeding information.
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cattle Apps (iphone, android)

    Jason, I think it would be pretty simple but a breeding app that could be like a spread sheet would be great. That you can enter in the date you AI'd what cows/heifers to what bull that has the gestation date built in where it would know the date and would count it down and tell you how many...
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    Concealed Carry - NC

    I love my Springfield XD .45, but I have the full size, it is my sidearm I carry on duty at the PD. Off duty I carry a S@W .38 chief's special model 60 (I think that is the rite model #) revolver, very light and compact. Is only a 5 shot but confident it is enough to get me out of a tricky...
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    Concealed Carry - NC

    WELL SAID MATT!!!  (clapping)
  8. Mueller Show Cattle

    What Do People Of Colorado Think Of This?

    Good Question, cause it don't make you safer. Knock, Knock, hello Mcfly criminals don't obey laws, why you think they are they called criminals and you will never get all these high capacity mags off the street, you will get them out of the hands of the law abiding people but not the criminals...
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    Breeding advice for my Simm heifer.......

    Well I see that Star Power and Built Right are both sired by Dream On, so might not be the best choice for your heifer, but still like Built Rights CE for heifers.
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    Breeding advice for my Simm heifer.......

    I have not bred many PB Simmi's, but I have used Built Right and bred him to my Heat Wave heifer a couple years back and got a 60lb heifer that came real easy if that tells you anything, I am confident in his CE. I don't know who Star Power and Lock N Load are out of, so I don't know if that...
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    Grain Seed (Barley, Oats)

    I understand not all seed is the same, If I could not find seed cheaper I just would not seed it and just combine part of my pasture and reseed it in the areas I wanted to put some grain seed in. So feed grain, oat and barley, are they treated or gone through any process, steamed or whatever...
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    Grain Seed (Barley, Oats)

    I know alot of the barley in Colorado is already spoken for with the beer production. I contacted farm production services office just outside of Scottsbluff but they said they don't deal in barley seed or oat seed. My next step was going to try and find a place in Torrington but the only place...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    Grain Seed (Barley, Oats)

    AJ, if the guy is wanting to sell the seed, let me know what he is wanting for it. From what I had seen in the past, when late August early September rolls around, the seed prices should fall from the harvest of all the grain seed during that time. I would travel west also as I heard the Idaho...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    Grain Seed (Barley, Oats)

    I have been looking for some barley seed or Oat seed, Both are running about 50 cents a pound in the Casper area which is high. I have seen it as low as $3 to $4 a bushel (48 lbs for barley) in Maine. A little far for me to travel for seed, wanting to buy 10 tons (20,000lbs) and would haul it...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    ideal cow

    Nice PB Angus Frostback. I would like to have an Angus cow like her. I have a hard time finding good Angus cows to use for making replacements for clubbies. My dad had many Angus cows over the years and I just could not get over there small butts, but I do like the looks of that Angus. My next...
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Nursemate ASAP any experiences?

    I have never used Nursemate ASAP, but I don't have a problem spending $10 a calf on colostrum or $6 or $7 on the Nursemate ASAP. I have been drenching most of my newborn calves that I catch rite after they are born with Colostrum and it seems that they are up and moving pretty quickly. I know...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle


    Carlson, it sounds to me that you are looking to breed for terminal calves (steers). I agree with Mtnman, the 1st thing I would do if I were you is have your cows tested for TH/PHA, is worth the money, all of mine have been tested and I only have 1 cow that is TH positive, so I have lots of...
  18. Mueller Show Cattle

    How much snow did you get?

    Was weird, we got 16 inches at the ranch yesterday which is at the base of the mountain, 10 miles away in town, 3 inches. The storm just rolled off the mountain and dumped snow on us all day long. Was great to get the snow for our pastures and even more up in the mountain were our irrigation...
  19. Mueller Show Cattle

    If I decide to breed her to a clubby bull, which one ?? UPDATED 11-12-13

    Looks good Harley, will be neat to see him in a couple months. Hopefully he proves us wrong and puts on a decent frame, no doubt that I think he will be thick. Does he have alot of vigor and keeping up with your PB Galloway with the snow and cold weather? We got hammered with snow yesterday at...
  20. Mueller Show Cattle

    First one on the ground Chrome !

    Good looking heifer Matt. I have thrown around the idea of using Mommas Boy hoping to get a heifer to use for breeding clubbies. You still have your bull, the bull calf I got out of your cow to your bull is looking very good. He took 3rd in his class in Denver, would have done better with more...