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  1. Mueller Show Cattle


    I don't think anything about the 90 lbs, but my guess is that they are going to come out like a block with his build, so I am not worried about the weight as much as the shape of the calf. She will be watched closely, hoping that the cow does not need my help. My guess is that we will get some...
  2. Mueller Show Cattle


    I saw him in Denver this year and last year, I liked him both years. I liked him so much last year in Denver that I bred one of my Shorthorn cows to him that is due in April. I really like him, the guy that had him on display said that we should start seeing calves out of him come this spring as...
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Denver Steer Show Results

    He was one of my favorites, I actually picked him to win his class and then he took second in his class, but at least he got to come in the final drive when the steer that beet him was picked Grand Champion, really liked that red steer. Frostback we probably had seen each other a couple times as...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    What is the definiton of "commercial"?

    I agree with J2F that we all have in common is cattle what ever you choose for breed and show or not show. I have been around cattle from the day I was born and my dad raised Angus/herford mix cattle with all Angus cows and herford bulls. To him that was the perfect mix for producing feedlot...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    What is the definiton of "commercial"?

    Good one Frostback, I think I know where you were going with this from reading another post earlier. For BlackDiamond, By definition as you have been asking what the definitions are. Guess what our show cattle are also Commercial cattle by definition. I raise my SHOW CATTLE with "Having profit...
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    Hay....You got any!!

    Hay suppliers and Hay brokers are getting what they can for it rite now. Firesweep, I wish we had your prices and remember them days when I lived in Missouri and you could buy 5X5 round bales for $20 a piece in Central Missouri. When I moved to Wyoming (2004), I thought people were crazy wanting...
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    Corn Stalks

    I know what I paid was expensive, it was that or travel a way to get it and spend extra in fuel. I paid $120 a ton, was paid off actual truck and trailer empty weight to loaded weight. Hay is almost up to 3 times that around here for good grass alfalfa mix. I am rotating my bales rite now, 1...
  8. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cost of recips

    Not trying to hyjack this post just wanting to ask Frostback a question as it deals with this. Do you know of anyone in the Fort Collins or Denver area that does these different protocols with embryo transfer. I know of a guy who is good up in Cody Wyoming which is 4 hours from me. I can be in...
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    Clipping/blending Necks & Front Ends

    ZNT it is obvious that you are a good groomer, I have seen some of your videos and was pretty impressed. I can get by for local shows and state fair but use other professional groomers for National Shows like Denver next week. I would love to learn to torch and seen some good results but scared...
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    Hay....You got any!!

    Hay was very hard to come by for me out here in the Rocky Mountain region. If this drought continues, I will buy a semi and register it in the ranch name and do non for hire hauling of hay for myself as I have a class A CDL. I bought semi load of hay out of Canada this year and then my trailer...
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    Bull Help

    Like Quick Fire said, Who Made WHo will not, not that his cows are short, my who cow is moderate frame sized. Paddy O', They are generally a little taller but not as tall as the Hannibal, Full Throttle and Full Flush cows I have seen. I have 2 Paddy O' cows, nice size but my tallest cow is my...
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    3 Steer Planet Auctions Posted (Fictional Bidding)

    I just checked and I did not get anything for being outbid, my last email was from support@steerplanet saying I was the high bidder. That email and all other emails (PM's ETC) from steerplanet I have got have came to my inbox, but I checked my junk (spam) box and no email in there either, maybe...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    3 Steer Planet Auctions Posted (Fictional Bidding)

    That's weird as I just checked again and I never got a single email saying I was outbid.
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    3 Steer Planet Auctions Posted (Fictional Bidding)

    You going to set it up to send out an email when you have been outbid as I never got an email when I was outbid like many other auction sites?
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    Bull Help

    Alot of Maine bulls will add frame size, Full Flush, Full Throttle, Hannibal and many other older Maine bulls.
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Who will have the best bull in Denver?

    I like him, if he is a PB he is one nice looking bull. Wonder what his TH/PHA status is. They should do some marketing on him, probably could sell a good amount of semen on him.
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    Denver get together??

    I will be at the NWSS from 1-18-13 to 1-27-13. We will be showing a Shorthorn heifer on Monday 1-21-13, a Simmental bull on Tuesday 1-22-13 and a Simmental heifer on Wednesday 1-23-13 all on the hill. Otherwise will be around the yards or on the hill.
  18. Mueller Show Cattle

    Cooler Question

    A cool room will not replace washing and blowing. The washing and blowing will train the hair and get it to grow. The cool room will also help with the growing of the hair, alot after it starts to get warm/hot, or keep them from shedding it when it gets warm/hot. I still use fans even with a...
  19. Mueller Show Cattle


    I have spring calves and I usually wean about 5 to 6 months of age, most of mine are born in March and I like to have them weaned at the end of August. I have a creep feeder out from the time the calves are born and are usually eating creep and hay really well when weaned. At weaning, I start...
  20. Mueller Show Cattle

    Calving heifers...the good and bad

    Wow, a 103lb Built Right? What is the pedigree of the heifer? I have used Built Right on a clubby Heat Wave heifer 2 years ago and got a 60lb heifer that she calved with ease and on other heifers. I am very happy with Built Right and will not hesitate to use again even on clubby heifers. Built...