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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick question RE: Beet Pulp

    Same here, so I soak them and then add to the feed. But for day of show, I don't soak them, cause I want it to expand in the gut to give that fuller appearance, put some molasses on the pellets and feed it dry and they should eat it fine at least mine do. I could get my cows to eat dead leaves...
  2. Mueller Show Cattle

    New bull! Texas Tornado!!!!

    So true, I don't judge a bull by his looks, I judge him on his calves. I am not impressed by Heat Wave's photo at all but you can't deny he flat out produces good clubby calves and that is what I'm looking for in club calves. Is why I have a hard time using an unproven bull, I might pay a little...
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick question RE: Beet Pulp

    I can get both but I can get a 50lb bag of pellet for the same price as a 40lb bag shredded. So I buy the pellets and soak them in some water to break them up and then feed them that way and do just fine. Plus the cattle I have fed them to prefer for them to be soaked in water first and softened...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Now posting up some of the girls

    Nice, all are very good and should do well. That Dun is smoking, Pun intended but is that good with that 1st one not far behind. They all groomed out very well, did you have to put anything on their hair to straighten it as they look very good. I definitely like what I see out Pericles and can't...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    Now posting up some of the girls

    Nice looking heifers Harley, can't wait to see them in person this month. Are any of them Angus crosses or are they PB and any of them sired by Pericles?
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    Looking for a groomer for Denver Stock Show

    We are looking for someone to clip and groom for us at the Denver Stock Show. We will be down there showing in the Shorthorn show and Simmental Show. We have 3 calves total, 1 If you could please PM me the price and if you would be able to do it we would much appreciate it. Thanks so much!
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    Opinions on my Monopoly x Dr. Who heifer

    Wow, Did not know he went that high already, I knew he would go up but not that high. I bought a cane (10 straws) of Northern Improvement from Top Sires in January at the NWSS for $30 a straw and then he went to $50 a straw like 2 months later and now over a $100 a straw? I have 9 straws left, I...
  8. Mueller Show Cattle

    Fantasy Football 2012-2013

    Good luck to you also, was worried I was not going to make the playoffs about 4 weeks ago until I went on a run, getting Hernandez and McFadden back and picking up Moreno and Kaepernick helped with that. I think it will be close, just trying to decide who to start at my last WR spot as Floyd is...
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    Feeding Baled Corn Stalks

    I talked with the guy earlier today, as I had been looking for some for a week or so and found a guy today through the feed mill in Torrington Wyoming I use. He said there is good leaf left on the stalks and are baled in 3 X 4 square bales 850 to 1,000lb bales. So I was going to put corn stalks...
  10. Mueller Show Cattle

    Feeding Baled Corn Stalks

    I am looking to buy 6 to 7 tons of baled corn stalks and was wondering if there is any danger with feeding corn stalks? I know there is very little nutrition value in them and I am going to feed them as a filler. All my cows are in very good body condition but they are eating me out of hay. So I...
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick Growth Breed Question

    Thanks chambero and -XBAR-, you got me thinking about selling directly to the feedlot, just did not think about that. Would save the sale barn fees also. I agree with you Chambero, I would like uniform steer calves.
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    Shootings!!! N/C

    This just made me sick and my blood boil when I heard it this morning and wishing I could help in any way. As Police Officer, we train all the time for active shooters, but would have never guessed an elementary school. Make me sick that someone would take it out on children, then takes the...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick Growth Breed Question

    No we would not sublease the pastures. It is river bottom pastures and it produces ALOT of hay each year and it did not dry up this summer. We got a great deal on the lease as my dad and my cousin has done alot of work for the owner keeping this property maintained over the years, it is owned by...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick Growth Breed Question

    While I agree with you that Char influenced cattle are some of the fastest growing cattle. My smokes (Char Influenced) put on weight fast. The 2 problems I see is that is I don't know if they would be as profitable at auction cause of the price decrease in that area, Black sells best. The black...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    Quick Growth Breed Question

    Me and my father went into partnership and leased a farm in Central Missouri. We are looking to drop 200 fall born steer calves on the property in April and figure we have enough grazing pasture to support 200 head till Oct/Nov time at which time we will sell them. We think that is our best...
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Whats you all's thoughts on this Charolais steer?

    I have seen him after covering cows for months and his calves. His owner lives in Central Wyoming. I have really liked what I have seen out of him, he adds bone, thickness and great hair that I have seen. He is a nice looking bull, not too tall or short, moderate frame with lots of muscle. Nice...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    Sunday Night Football Bob Costas

    Could not agree more with you!!!
  18. Mueller Show Cattle

    Sunday Night Football Bob Costas

    Good point Knabe, it would not be tolerated if the roll was reversed, that would be called racist, just my opinion.
  19. Mueller Show Cattle


    I have not bought from them directly but I have purchased semen through ABS who is in partnership with Origen and got the semen that way cause Origen carried the semen that I wanted but ABS did not but can get semen from Origen through the partnership. Was good quality semen and with being in...
  20. Mueller Show Cattle

    calf and new barn pics

    Congrats on your new barn and calves. Having the proper set up helps alot, we built a 100ft by 40ft barn/shop this summer. The shop is 40x40 and the barn is 40x60. We have been building pens the past couple of weekends and getting ready to build a wash bay, want to have everything ready come...