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  1. Mueller Show Cattle

    Sunday Night Football Bob Costas

    X2, that is why, just cause you call 1 more intelligent then the other, Costas might be well spoken, a well spoken idiot.
  2. Mueller Show Cattle

    Sunday Night Football Bob Costas

    I was wanting to see if others that watched the game caught on to this also. I was outraged when I watched it, I am a huge football fan and can't believe Costas would open his mouth on gun control or NBC would allow it or not discipline him for his comments. I don't know, but it  set me off...
  3. Mueller Show Cattle

    Some random thoughts for new cattle breeders

    I was going to post a few comments as many of you have very valid points. By my name, you can see I raise show cattle (club calves). I do have commercial cattle also at the ranch. I use to only own black cattle, period mainly because of the premium at market. I have got into some Shorthorn and...
  4. Mueller Show Cattle

    Show Pig Questions

    I am looking to get into breeding some show pigs. We don't have very many breeders of show pigs around me and having a very hard time locating show pigs around me for certain upcoming shows that my daughter would like to show in. I breed show cattle, so the show pigs are new to me. I have plenty...
  5. Mueller Show Cattle

    VOTE obama OUT !

    I am pissed, don't know what to say. I feel your frustration Gonewest, was proud of your state unlike many others. I hate to see what this country is going to be like in 4 years and how many more trillions we will be in debt, wish we could make the Obama supporters pay that debt in their taxes...
  6. Mueller Show Cattle

    VOTE obama OUT !

    Oh I know that not just people that don't work are off during the day, I know as good as anyone as I have been working shift work for the past 15 years as a Police Officer, still thought it was funny cause I knew what they were getting at when they said the joke.
  7. Mueller Show Cattle

    VOTE obama OUT !

    Reminds me of a funny joke I heard this morning. Obama will have a big lead until everyone gets off work. Thought that was very funny with Obama having the lead as people of welfare could vote during the day with not working.
  8. Mueller Show Cattle


    Hey Mtnman, how is Colorado going? Still to close to call or is there a favorite yet?
  9. Mueller Show Cattle

    The Best of Paul Harvey 1947

    (clapping) so true, so true like listening to a history lesson. Wish people would wake up.
  10. Mueller Show Cattle


    (clapping)  <beer>, can only hope this swings Colorado to Romney as Colorado is a big coal state like us and West Virgina. I'm glad I don't have to listen to Obama adds, he don't spend any money here on adds cause 90 to 95% will vote Romney and he knows it.
  11. Mueller Show Cattle

    Nominations for the 2012 Bull Bracket

    I have only limited experience in any other breed of bulls besides clubbies, here are my 4 favorite clubbies I use most and 1 simmi bull. Clubbies 1. Walks Alone 2. Monopoly (including clones) 3. Heat Wave (including clones) 4. Bojo Simmi 1. Built Right
  12. Mueller Show Cattle

    Draxxin, Micotil, Nuflor

    DL, I just noticed that there must be a difference in Nuflor and Nuflor Gold, cause after reading their labels online, it says for Nuflor, Not for use in cattle of breeding age, so that would mean any of my cows should not have Nuflor, but reading the label of Nuflor Gold, it would be OK for my...
  13. Mueller Show Cattle

    Draxxin, Micotil, Nuflor

    That helps very much DL and I appreciate it. We have a small operation 25 head of club calf cows, so I might have 50 head when I have the calves still around. The rancher that I live close to that gave me the Nuflor has 500-600 head, so he has a big operation and says he has Nuflor at all times...
  14. Mueller Show Cattle

    Draxxin, Micotil, Nuflor

    I had two steers that got what the vet called dust pneumonia this past weekend and just wanted to ask if any of these medications are better than the other. We have had a really dry summer and fall and the vet believed they had dust pneumonia from all the dust around. But the steer had really...
  15. Mueller Show Cattle

    attention to you mechanically inclined people! help please!

    Like the others says, you can trouble shoot the problem fast with a volt multimeter. The first thing I would do is pop the hood and turn on the switch to the windshield wipers and see if the motor is getting the 12 volts to the motor terminals. If it is then you know it is a motor problem. If...
  16. Mueller Show Cattle

    Open Sores

    Thanks, DL and Firesweep. I got them in the corral today and got a better look, some are crusted over. We just started getting cold weather in the last 4 days were it has been getting below freezing at night (mid to upper 20's tonight) and got some snow the past 2 nights. I have not seen any...
  17. Mueller Show Cattle

    Open Sores

    I had noticed one of my cows had an open sore below the tail and just above the anus (not directly above but off to the side a little that you can see when they have their tail down) a couple day ago and now last night I noticed 10 of my cows and 2 heifer calves all had the same sores in the...
  18. Mueller Show Cattle


    I have been looking at Trans Ova Genetics and the different way they can do it with Recips. I'm sure there are benefits to both the picking up the bred recip and then the picking up a live calf program. With the calf program you don't have the cost of hay all winter or pregnancy period. But with...
  19. Mueller Show Cattle

    Move Obama out of the WHITE HOUSE

    Agree, in my opinion there is alot of problems but our country's welfare system is what will bring us down, it has gotten worse every year, the system is there to help people out but there are way too many free loaders taking advantage of the system. That is what scares me, Obama will get all...