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  1. C

    Wanted: List of AI bulls

    Gregg Stewart has an Angus bull JSAR Rodman that is a calving ease bull that is also producing some cattle that have a lot of value as mature cattle. A son of JSAR Rodman topped his sale last week.
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    Illinois Beef Expo

    Cattledog,  how did the Angus heifers sell? Wanted to go but could not get away.
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    DCC New Edition bulls

    We have several 12-17 month old DCC New Edition sired bulls for sale. Dams are Angus and Simmy/Angus. They  are moderate with extra muscling. Bulls were developed on forage, but still express lots of thickness. Prices range from $1500-$3000  located in NW Okla.  Please phone for more info...
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    oklahoma snow/ice storm

    We are in Beaver Co. Okla  where we received about 10 inches of snow. It isn't too bad as we needed the moisture. It is 5 degrees here this morning. That is the only thing I don't like  breaking ice in all my tanks. We did not loose our electricity and very thankful for that. I feel for those...
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    building a website

    I want to have a website, but am not sure which company to use. I know several are available but who provides the best service at the best price etc?? Some websites are built and then you never see any updates. i think that is ineffective. So who should I call???
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    Angus nominations for the bull bracket

    OCC Emblazon DCC New Edition OCC Just Right OCC Anchor
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    How to make an official ranch name?

    Blackcows is right on as far as tax purposes. However if you are wanting to protect a name you probably need to protect it through the patent and trademark office. You can trademark a name and no one in this kind of business will be allowed to use it. It geneerally requires the services of a...
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    I have planted triticale fgor years. I have opted to bite the bullet and spend the money on beardless triticale the last five years. The seed is more expensive and you can't harvest the seed due to the patent on it but the hay  crop is  better due to no beards. grazing is phenomenal and the...
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    Blizzard Worries in Tex Panhandle with a question?

    We live in the panhandle of Oklahoma and we got 25 inches of blowing snow yesterday. today all I have done is clear trails out to feed hay in with the tractor. Still haven't seen one pasture 4 miles away. the road is still closed that way.  However the moisture will be great.
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    Duff New Edition Bull

    We are selling several New Edition bulls March 17, 200, in Beaver, Oklahoma. Catalogs are available upon request.  Call 580-487-3552 !
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    Dispersing Fall Bred Cows

    these cattle are offered at private treaty. However, I made a catalog so people could study at their leisure. I would be glad to send one to anyone that will e-mail or call for one. The catalog show pedigrees and prices. Several are bred to Heat Wave 2 , some are bred to OCC Legend, OCC Just...
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    Dispersing Fall Bred Cows

    23 bred fall calving cows for sale, running ages. Service sires include Heat Wave 2, OCC Legend, Habanero, OCC Just Right.E-mail for catalog or phone 580 487 3552. Located in NW Oklahoma