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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Bulls that went to Denver-2014

    I know there were a pretty good amount of people that used LCCC Cabrerea this year.  Should be close to 100 calves on the ground next year I would guess. 
  2. Davis Shorthorns


    Droid, Motorola Defy xt.  only thing that kills em it putting them throught the washing machine.  Treat it just like my old flip phones.  Just put a screen protector on it and throw it in my pocket.  Haven't had one crack or problem and I am hard on phones.
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Bill Clintons job? NC

    you beat me to it!!! dang
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn University

    I have been to a few and loved them.  Lots of great people to meet and new ideas to exchange.  Cant make it this year but hopefully next year.  Have fun everyone that is going.
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Ford Ecoboost

    I have not herd anything about this in Eastern KS.  If you do more than just a occasional weekend trip with a stock trailer and money isn't the reason to buy a 1/2 ton just buy the diesel or bigger gas motor.  You will probably burn up the trans on the half ton with it having to shift so often...
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for a ride from central US to Eastern US Penn, Ohio, Ind.

    Looking for a ride for one bull from around Kansas to Penn or somewhere close.  In the next two weeks would be great. Thanks Matt
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Red Angus marbling

    How about a Shorthorn herd? 
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Red Angus marbling

    The information I saw was from the Meat Animal Research Center in Nebraska.  They listed the average imf numbers on actual tested carcases. 
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Red Angus marbling

    If you were running a feedlot that feeds 200,000 hd a year for 10 years that extra 2% can really add up.   
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Red Angus marbling

    Nothing is guaranteed but you can put the odd's in your favor by knowing what the generalities are.  Odds, statistics and percentages is what every scientific theory is based on.  We know nothing 100% so to make a informed decision you have to look at generalities. 
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Red Angus marbling

    I remember seeing that when I was in College.  It went Red Angus, Black Angus, then Shorthorn all being very close to each other then a larger gap to the Herfs, simmis, etc...  Kinda interesting that only one of those breeds has selected heavily for carcass and the other two haven't but still...
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Clean bull to bring down frame

    I would agree here.  Saw the bull in person a few years ago and he is a stud.  Also look at (selfish plug) Little Cedar Cabrera 24.  Moderate with bone hair and power. 
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    How to show a bull?

    lots and lots and lots of feed.
  14. Davis Shorthorns


    Bundy stopped paying his BLM leases in the 90's.  Also I have seen different articles state that his family had threatened violence against the blm officials so yes that does give them the right to arrest the man.  Sorry but this is a bunch of bs trying to protect a man that had been stealing...
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    what's your pick of PB Shorthorn bull to use on heifers?

    Here is a first calf Doc heifer one day after calving.
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    what's your pick of PB Shorthorn bull to use on heifers?

    Here is a pretty typical Doc daughter.  She is just at 1 yr in this pict.  For show calves I would say he needs to be bred to something with hair and some bone, but he will power one up and add some belly, a very moderate bw, a perfect udder and make them pretty easy doing kind of cattle.  All...
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    For anyone going to the Kansas Beef Expo.

    Remember there will be a pre sale social at RC Mcgraws Bar and Grill the evening of Friday the 28th.  Come on down and introduce your self and have a good time with some good people.