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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Sires

    Heifer calf at 1 year old.
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Sires

    Might also try Lakeside Doc Clark.  He is throwing some power and great udders.  Here are some picts of him and a few daughters.  The cow with a calf at side is a first calf heifer 1 day after calving.
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn bull at the Kansas Beef Expo

    The sale is this Sat.  Come out and take a look at all the consigned lots.  Matt
  4. Davis Shorthorns


    Just seeing who was filling out a bracket?  The steerplanet group on ESPN is still up so I decided to join that one.  Just wondering.  EMAW!!!
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Kansas Beef Expo catalog now online!!!
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn bull at the Kansas Beef Expo

    First calf is the Kendra, second is the Leggy Betty (friends kids named her  (thumbsup))
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn bull at the Kansas Beef Expo

    We also are selling 2 heifers one is MD Kendra 113A *x4200062 Lakeside Doc Clark 918 x FG Kendra 18U ET ( DPH Contender daughter) and Leggy Betty *x4199479 FCC Legacy 32Y x KL Lass H87 (JSF/RB Axis 6U daughter) Picts coming soon. Both heifers are selling with 2 untis of LCCC Cabrera 24 the...
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn bull at the Kansas Beef Expo

    come check out this outstanding Bonanza son out of a tremendous Double Leader daughter that will be selling at the Kansas Beef Expo on Sat March 29th DFRS Ponderosa 113A
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Ash Valley Sale

    It was a good sale especially with the weather we had.  Great group of bulls and heifers wish I could of braved the cold and wind to look through them more.  Very good sale through out.  I have the sale results but they are at home. 
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Food Inc

    These food inc. type movies/ tv shows/ commercials are a joke.  I personally believe that we as American agriculturists have a job to provide a safe and healthy food stuff to a ever exploding population around the world.  If we take steps back in production ie natural/organic/non-gmo we will not...
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Discussion

    Bahahahaha (lol) <beer>
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Discussion

    I am a firm believer of an excuse is just that a excuse.  I will say something though you have to admit that when a roan colored one comes in the sale ring they get docked.  Producers see that and know what breed produces that.  They will shy away from that breed.  I lose a minimum of $7 per...
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    Daybreak Express SH bull

    Id use Captain Obvious, bring her down a bit and thicken her up while making a nice bull or heifer.
  14. Davis Shorthorns


    We used a Buckshot son for a few years and he was a very good moderate framed bull.  Only kept one daughter and she has turned into one of my favorite cows.  Soggy moderate huge ribbed, calm as can be, great head, easy fleshing.  Udder could use some help but she is better than her mother. 