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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Best Shorthorn Bull for the Job

    JPJ or starburst on the HW cow, maybe buddy love on the main angus
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Anyone else getting snow?

    We are up to about 10" here and still goin strong. 
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Super Bowl

    (lol) sorry just had to bring this back to the top lol    <party>
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    I decided to put a stick to Cabrera last night and get a hip height on him.  He is at 20 1/2 months 53 1/2 inches.  So it would make him about a 5 1/2 frame or so. 
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    I have decided to make the trip up to Iowa for the beef expo in a few weeks.  I will be taking my tank and some Cabrera semen for anyone that wants to buy a package.  I will also have some Doc semen there as well.  Let me know and I can make sure I bring enough. 
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    BISS ELEMENT 79 370Z National Champion Shorthorn at Denver

    ya know here lately with these polar vortexes I think you are going to have to do a lot of convincing of us down south of that sir.  (lol)
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    Hey check out Tom Mitchel's calf in the Iowa Royal sale she will be selling with 2 units of Cabrera.  <cowboy>
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    Thanks everyone for the kind words on Cabrera.  We are not trying to exclude anyone with our shares.  I am a breeder with only 15 cows myself and know about this.  That is why we are allowing people to split packages.  I know that 2000 is alot of money to put up on a bull in this breed, but I...
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    denver 2014 national shorthorn show

    oops my bad I knew it was some solution son.  <cowboy>
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    Thanks guys it was great meeting you Tom and we are very excited about the possibilitys for this bull.  I personally think this is the right kind of bull for my program.  Low bw good growth with marketability in both commercial and show markets. 
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that came out and either helped or said kind words about Cabrera.  This last weekend is a weekend I will never forget.  Glad that I could meet so many new friends and see some great old friends.  We are still selling semen packages @$2000 for 50 units.  We...
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    denver 2014 national shorthorn show

    Wasn't Element's Dam a Final Solution?
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    N/C Diesel fuel treatment?

    I try to use Howes every tank all year.  It helps replace some of the lubrication factors lost with the ULSD since 2007.  Also get about 1 mpg better, less smoke, antigel, and injector cleaner. 
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    You Canadien's are about to make me mad

    Me to, and mine actually will turn off at I think it was -5 so I woke up to no furnace going.  Thank goodness for space heaters and a wood stove.
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    You Canadien's are about to make me mad

    -12 here coldest in 20 years.  -30ish wind chill brrrrr  Reporting from Kansas
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24 semen now available

    A little update... The first Cabrera calf came in Canada the other day.  It was a 75lb bull calf out of a first calf show heifer.  Said it got right up and started nursing.  Not a bad start in my opinion. 
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    Bowl Game Thoughts....

    I did get to watch the end of the game WOW I stand very much corrected, and I am glad that them dang okies proved me wrong!  I wish I could have seen the MSU/Stanford game.  It is looking like a very even bowl season this year with no conference overwhelmingly better than any other.  THANK...
  18. Davis Shorthorns

    Who is going to Denver

    16-21st taking 2 bulls.  Gona be a BLAST!
  19. Davis Shorthorns

    Durhams for Denver?

    Very sad Always loved to see that many Shorthorn bulls in one place then to sell them all off every year was great.