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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Bowl Game Thoughts....

    I personally liked the KSU vs. Michigan game.  For a KSU team that was looking like they were going to be the doormat for the big 12 this year.  After starting out 2-4 and loosing to a D2 school at home to start the season to turn it around and even make a bowl game let alone a decent one and...
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Advertising ideas

    +1  hit up all the social media you can and sprinkle in a little national print advertising here and there as you can afford it. 
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Want some free semen ?????

    So we should breed our cows blind?  It does the bull no justice if we breed him to the wrong cows and get bad calves.  Maybe he is a tad bit shallow or tall or short or straight or...
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    What do you think? N/C

    So what about Phil Robertson makes him ignorant, stupid and a jerk???  The fact that he is a deeply religious man?  The fact that he helped revolutionize the duck call?  The fact that he built a empire out of nothing?  hmm yea sounds like no one that we should listen to.  I'll just go back to...
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Winning fill

    I like winning fill at the shows and as stated a treat or to get them to eat.  Works really well if a animal goes off feed.
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24 semen now available

    He is going to be about a 6 frame though I havent put a stick to him.  He is probably weighing 1700+ right now. 
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Fully loaded -Red Angus bull

    Saw a few up in Canada and really like the muscle shape and power they had.  The breeder did say the BW's were pretty high though.
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Talladega calf *Updated Pic*

    I hate it when they do that...  (lol)
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24 semen now available

    Thanks for the kind words.  Cabrera was used a little up at High Ridge this last year and we just got him down to the states after Louisville.  We will be using him pretty hard this spring around here though. 
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Little Cedar Cabrera 24 semen now available

    We have collected semen on our new herd bull Little Cedar Cabrera.  He was the Grand Champion Bull in Toronto last year and we will be taking him to Denver next month.  We will be offering semen packages on him so pm me if you are interested.  Delivery at Denver will be available as well...
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn coloring

    Hill Haven had a really nice capiche heifer out of a Swagger daughter at Toronto this year. 
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    deer in wheat

    they make a system that is 2 electric fence tapes spaces so far apart that has a scent on it that helps keep them out.  Hunters use it to protect the food plots.  It really works.  Also mothballs and maybe a coyote decoy.  Move it every few days to a different part of the field.  I know that...
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    Proud Father (Deer Hunting)

    That is a great first deer!!! Congrats you must be proud.  I agree getting them outdoors early and hoping you get some success to get them hooked and it will be a part of them forever.  Some of my best memories are of me and my father when he would take me hunting.  He wasn't and still isn't a...
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn coloring

    Its like Christmas during calving season.  (thumbsup)
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    Picture of the day

    its so easy to see where the roads are... that's where all the vehicles aren't.  (lol)
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    What to breed Maintainer heifer to?

    agreed Capiche would work well i'd think.
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    new shorty herd sire opinions welcome

    ok for Renegade you bought a bull that should work very well for what you say you are trying to produce.  I don't know if anyone is saying anything negative about you but to me the bull is to feminine.  JMO  Now caledon promoting a bull like that as a un proven bull as a heifer bull is...