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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Go Miss ST! (College Football)

    But Baylor might jump Ohio State they are only.001 behind them in the BCS and they play Oklahoma State at Stillwater this weekend.  If they win they should jump OSU then they have Texas the next week and even with the fact that Texas isn't that great they are still Texas and beating them carries...
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Interesting Article

    Yea I saw this article and the picture with it tells the story almost as well as the story does.  Not even close.
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for a ride from Louisville to Kansas or surrounding area after show

    Looking for a ride for a yearling bull from Louisville to Kansas or surrounding area.  Thanks
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for a place to keep a bull for a few days during Louisville in the area.

    Was wondering if there was anyone that had a pen open around Louisville that we could keep a yearling bull in for a few days untill I can get someone to bring him to Kansas?  Also need someone to bring him to Kansas if possible.  Thanks Matt
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Easy Calving Shorthorn Bulls

    I would go with Captain or a bull from Lovings.  The double duty lines and Kapers they have work really well on the JPJ influenced cattle that I have seen.
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    NCAA Football upsets

    I know that two teams I mentioned were in the big 12 2 years ago.  I am NOT a SEC fan at all.  I am born and raised KSU fan.  Hate the SEC actually.  This is going to be a down year for the sec in all but I still think that bama is the best team in football and untill someone proves otherwise we...
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    sullivan sale results

    Dang should of watched the sale.  Those aussie embryos could have been a neat deal.  Just goes to show there is always a deal even at the biggest sales.
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    NCAA Football upsets

    Sorry but Auburn sucks, so using them to try to prove a point isn't saying much.  Bama, LSU, A&M, Mizzu, South Caralina, Florida, > Oregon, Washington, UCLA, Stanford.  Sorry but untill proven different the SEC is top dog.  I PRAY someone else can beat them this year in the NC or they dont even...
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    XBAR Should be his campaign manager

    I had always heard about 30 days or so compared to just hours for alcohol.  Dont know if thats true.  I have some very good friends that smoke on a REGULAR basis they just know that if they have it at my place im going to be really pissed.  They respect me enough to atleast leave it in the...
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    LCCC Cabrera video

    Thanks!  (thumbsup)
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    XBAR Should be his campaign manager

    I never said alcohol wasn't a drug.  It is probably the most abused drug in the world.  I do partake in it.  Not all the drugs I mentioned are "natural" shrooms for one.  If none of the people you know never took the next step in drugs they are either lying to you or a completely different kind...
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    XBAR Should be his campaign manager

    Im not talking about a recreational user here, i'm talking about addicts.  Yes you can be addicted to pot just like any other thing.  It is a real addiction.  So your saying that no more people would start smoking if it was legal?  I highly doubt that.  Also ease of getting it is much easier if...
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    XBAR Should be his campaign manager

    To the people that want to legalize pot because it is "no worse than alcohol" Do we really need another alcohol type problem in the US?  Dont kid yourself into thinking that it wouldn't add to the people that become addicts of something.  I for one would not smoke pot but love to have a few...
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    LCCC Cabrera video

    Thanks guys, Ryan I think that I am going to breed him to a few cows.  Other than that maybe ride him around like a horse.  (lol)  We are also going to have him in Toronto in a few weeks and then he comes down to the states to get collected and then for Denver. 
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    LCCC Cabrera video

    This was taken in August Little Cedar Cabrera 24
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    Vita ferm question

    I started using concept aid this year especially with the donor females.  We will see if it helps here soon.
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    NCAA Football upsets

    A&M was a better team than 2011, but they still played the same big 12 style of football that they had.  Mizzu is doing it this year with the same football style they played in the big 12.  They are showing anyone outside of the sec that on a week in and week out schedule that style of play will...
  18. Davis Shorthorns

    Lakeside Doc Clark bull working in western KS.

    Here is a picture of a Doc bull that was raised by Hub Ranch in Norton KS and is currently working their pastures.  He is about 2 in the picture and they have been in a drought since this guy was born. 
  19. Davis Shorthorns

    Wash Rack Ideas - Good and Bad

    if you put a drain in it make sure it is PLENTY big enough.  We didn't and now pay the price. 