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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    One of our junior herd sires

    We as a breed in the US have to be even more watchful of our BW's than the other breeds.  We have to scrape and scratch to get a slight foothold in the commercial beef herd.  We cant be just as good we have to be better.  US breeders do have their heads in the sand when it comes to this.  Grant...
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Any riots or civil unrest yet? NC

    yes between the EXTREME media bias, and the political pressure for their to be, this whole trial was a JOKE.  It didn't serve anyone besides the race baiting groups that want any excuse to get their agenda in front of people actually hurting race relations more than helping.  I mean this guy was...
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Any riots or civil unrest yet? NC

    So since Zimmerman was found not guilty has anyone seen or herd of anything like this goin on yet? 
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Feeding bulls

    The last bull I fed out for Denver went pretty dang good.  I used a complete show feed, and then added a 32oz cup of whole corn that I cooked for most of the day.  I did that twice a day with free choice good grass hay. 
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    show steer will not lead

    Usually I use the take things very slowly approach, but have had a heifer that just didn't want to lead.  I used a horse with a very long lead like 30' or so and tied that to the halter.  I would then have someone ride the horse to command it to pull and when to stop while I held the halter like...
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Junior Nationals

    i'm plannin on being up there thursday through saturday but we will see what wheat harvest has in store for me. 
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    Lovings sale

    He's lookin really good. 
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn show heifer

    Id get a hold of JC Scritchfield in Kansas.  He might have something that in the right hands could be good.  Also id look at Hubs in Norton, KS.  They are going to be a little larger framed but great udder, and balanced cattle.
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Country

    Just wanted to thank Legacy Livestock Imaging for coming out and taking such great photos of Doc for the cover.
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Kansas State vs. Iowa State

    Small grains KSU might have the edge in the Agronomy dept.  Corn ISU all the way.
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Kansas State vs. Iowa State

    I highly recommend KSU for both ASI and Agronomy.  Now I am partially biased because I got my BS from KSU in Animal Science in 09 and now am a asst. Scientist in Agronomy there as well.  If you want to come down for a visit just let me know I can show you around the town and the school.  It is a...
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Corgi Puppies (NC)

    man i thought that mine was the only one that did the laying down either on his back or like superman.  (lol)
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    JPJ daughter

    How old is she?  Also what exactly are you looking for out of this calf? 
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    Buying semen in an online sale

    I think he might mean Shorthorn, but sorry I dont know.
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    Dunbeacon venture

    I have a few Venture embryos in the tank that I am hopeing to put in this year.  Really wanting a nice heifer or two to keep back.
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn x Char. crosses wanted

    I am really likeing this cross.  A good friend of mine used some Doc semen on his pb herd last year, only got 1 to stick but I think it really worked. 
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    Cows holding out

    all but one of my cows did the same thing this spring.  It will be ok. <cowboy>
  18. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn x Char. crosses wanted

    Hey guys anyone have any ShorthornXChar. heifers or cows they are looking to sell?  If so just let me know.  Thanks Matt
  19. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for Semen Tank Saw this online and thought you might be interested.
  20. Davis Shorthorns

    American Hoggers

    I think they sell the hogs for meat.  If they are alive you dont need nearly as much freezer space and they cant be inspected if you bring them to a locker dead.  Thats my guess though.  Also it makes them feel like a BA!!!