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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Sugar Ray

    Ok just saw his pict... did someone do a tummy tuck on that bull?  (lol)  Anyone want to buy 4 straws from me?  hahahahaha
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Sugar Ray

    So a 4 framed puppy dog of a cow would work good?  Does he make good ones?
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    Sugar Ray

    Hey I just came into a few straws of Sugar Ray.  What kinda cow does he work best on?  and what would the semen be worth?  Thanks
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Aviator semen for trade

    Hey I have 3 units of LCCC Aviator semen that I am looking to trade.  Wanting shorthorn semen or embryos.  Came from LCCC and has been stored at KABSU since.  Open to any kind of shorthorn.
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn Cow Maker

    Captain Obvious, Bonanza, JPJ, Marquis.  Two Captain daughters at Lakeside and a Captain Bull that we own. 
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn experts I need your expert advice! Serious in-vitro flush decision!

    Aviator, Sonny, TM Dazzler, Maybe some of the K-Kim bulls?  Castle Rock? Defiantly look into Jazz. 
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    How much snow did you get?

    Here in Manhappyness we got about 6-8 on thurs and a dusting last night.  Have had more today than yesterday. 
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    Calving ease shorthorn bull?

    Yea.... or 102lbs  Now with that im not saying he isn't a heifer bull, but as far as the best CE Shorthorn bull is a fetch.  If you are looking for a show calf then Jazz has to be close to the top of your list.  But if you are looking for just a live calf then look at some Sneed breeding, Double...
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    Which shorthorn bull

    I have had 2 JPJ's and 1 Capiche.  None were that great I can never get my cows to stick to gus, they will take to anything else, but him.  ;)  We have flushed to him though.  I have seen Gus's dam and grand dam both tremendous cows both are well over 10 I believe and still going strong.  Grand...
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    Which shorthorn bull

    I'd go with JPJ or Captain Obvious for real broody easy keeping females that can also show.  Now the captains might not have the flash of the JPJ's, but I have seen a bunch of Captain daughters and they are all really deep easy keeping cattle with perfect udders.  Come really easy at birth.  My...
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Paul Harvey...God Made a Farmer...Super Bowl Ad

    I am a very proud dodge owner today... untill my dad who was borrowing the truck called and said it had a BAD fuel leak.  Oh well it gets a pass today.  GOD BLESS THE AMERICAN FARMER!! <beer>
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn calf on craigslist

    ok easy now fourquarters im sure that knickles probably just took a off handed comment wrong no need to get all bent out of shape.  Step back and take a breath.  WOW Oh and knickles, please dont take some things so personal "snapped" come on bud wow.  <beer>
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    6.0 Powerstroke?

    JUNK!!! stay away just remember if it was anywhere close to the Cummins or Duramax they would be bringing that kind of money. 
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    Lovings sale

    Ill be there with bells on
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    Shorthorn herd startup

    I would look at Double J, Crow Creek, and im sure MANY other breeders right around your area.  I'd get ahold of the State Association they will be able to point you in the right direction.  Also look north Kansas has some great breeders and down south in Texas.  Good luck with what is a great...
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    Anyone like craft beer?

    my fave is a good ol shiner bock.  but we have a really good brewery here in manhattan owned by the Finks that has a stout called Black Angus Stout that is absolutly amazing... my fave