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  1. W

    Got Milk?

    Thanks Idalee for your response! I agree with you on the MILK EPD. I think in a vacuum the EPD has some merit but in the situation that you presented it seems like that could distort the number. I figured seeing how a cow milks compared to her mother or even farther back would be the best...
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    Got Milk?

    I was wondering what are the best shorthorn bulls to add milk? EPD's aside, what bulls have you found made a serious impact on milk production in a generation. Ideally, I would like to maintain look while adding more milk but I'm curious to hear everyone's opinions.
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    K-Kim Gold Count 22P

    Hey Mark, I know 22P was used more than 24P but which one do you think was better? I know Jordan Acres had some cows sired by both bulls in their herd
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    Aviator Son Semen Now For Sale

    Excited to announce that 5J Stinger 158C semen is now available at Cattle Visions!! If you want to raise cattle that have the look to compete in the show ring and the genetic background to perform in the pasture then Stinger is your solution.
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    Let's see some new calves!

    We don't have many on the ground yet but here are two of my favorites. First Calf: Hot Commodity x Asset Naomi 256 Donor Second Calf: ALM Chiller x Asset Naomi 256 Donor I hope they continue to develop.
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    2020 Denver Bulls

    Second hand here but I talked to some people and the overwhelming sentiment was that nothing really blew them away. That said Chosen 1 seemed to get some acclaim and Griswolds had a couple that were pretty cool. This was the year for the HIA sons so it should be interesting to see which ones...
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    So did many Maine bulls breed similar to Red Advantage or was Red Advantage more of an anomaly? What kind of cows would Red Knight and Cunia work on today? I'm appreciating the suggestions and knowledge. Thank you! If there are any other purebred Maine's feel free to continue to bring them up.
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    What was the deal on Just Rite? What did he work well on? For reference most of my cows are sound, have plenty of belly and pretty fronted. Wondered what Maines would work on that type of cow
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    Sorry should have prefaced that this post was meant to address the show perspective. That being said A lot of our good cows have some Maine blood in them. Our Pansy cow family goes back to a Loudon cow with some Maine. We also have a lot of Coleen influence in our herd and she is out of a Maine...
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    PB Maine Bulls on Shorthorns

    I think it's kind of interesting to see what everyone comes up with in regards to which PB Maine bulls would work on shorthorns now. Red Advantage and Cunia among others have made a huge impact on shorthorns. I'm wondering what other PB Maine bulls y'all think could work now. Also what kind of...
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    Castlerock picture

    There is a picture of Castlerock in an old catalog. I thought it was Shorthorn 500 or Midwest Spectacular catalog but I could be wrong. If I get the chance I will look more into it. I found it once upon a time
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    Aviator Son Semen Now For Sale

    I don't have any on hand at this moment but I will try to get you some when I can. He's definitely added some thickness for us.
  13. W

    Aviator Son Semen Now For Sale

    Semen on our herd bull 5J Stinger 158C is officially now on the open market. I'm letting everyone on Steer Planet know about it first. Aviator semen is bringing north of $900 a unit and we wanted to provide people with the opportunity to acquire Aviator genetics for an affordable price. Stinger...
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    I started getting into shorthorns in the mid 2000's so my knowledge of the type of cattle older bulls produced is limited. I look at certain bulls and have to research what they were used on and who used them. It's tough because I didn't see what the calves looked like. That being said, I like...
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    Sale Reports on Show Circuit Online.

    That's an interesting point that I didn't really think about. I can understand that logic. If traders are spending the biggest portion of money then SC is going to look out for the traders interest. I guess this brings up another question. Is the trading interest in online sales the reason...
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    Sale Reports on Show Circuit Online.

    My biggest complaint with SC is the fact that their sale reports are only available for a day or two. I think those reports could be very useful considering the amount of volume SC is currently doing these days.
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    Hot Commodity & Evolution

    One thing I've always been fascinated with Hot Commodity is how relevant he is today in terms of the age of his genetics. It's 2019 and we are talking about HC's influence and how he is still being used. Allure was born in '02 and he is a Pretender 96th ('96) on a Ruby 177th ('92). Meg 270N born...
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    Breeding Foresight or Maybe Hindsight

    I got to thinking the other day about the downsizing of these show calves with a focus on shorthorns. I'm wondering when we get some of these cows so moderate what are we going to use to add some frame. I got a couple that it wouldn't hurt to add some frame but not lose any body. I'm curious to...
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    Is the shorthorn bull Hidden Treasure heifer safe?

    I second on not breeding heifers to him. I think Hidden Treasure has his place but don't breed a heifer to him.
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    Will Lane

    Prayers for Will and his family. I consulted Will on a sale a couple of years ago and I don't think you can find a kinder more honest individual.