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  1. W

    Everything Show Cattle is no more

    I second this notion. I rarely ever go to another section of SP other than the Big Show forum because it has the most traffic.
  2. W

    Judging conformation of AI bulls and selecting an appropriate sire

    I've never seen to many issues with disposition in regards to Jazz offspring. CAB is right, the Jazz lines aren't going to blow you away with growth. That said, the line breeding of Jazz influenced bulls makes their offspring pretty consistent.  Considering the criteria you've set for us I'd say...
  3. W

    Judging conformation of AI bulls and selecting an appropriate sire

    I'd lean to using a White bull if you find one you like and then a Roan bull. Suggestions I have based on what you seem to be looking for would be some of the following: White: HP Manimal (Cattle Visions), Ghost Rider (Cattle Visions or SEK Genetics), TM Gus (Cattle Visions and SEK Genetics)...
  4. W

    Judging conformation of AI bulls and selecting an appropriate sire

    Glad to see you are trying your hand at your cattle. There is a lot to unravel here but I think you should start with some questions that can lead you in the right direction. First off what market are you trying to target? Are you wanting to raise commercial cattle and sell as feeder calves? Are...
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    1 OAK

    Idk if he initially collected as well as people hoped. If true, I imagine the spring sample size of the 1OAK offspring isn't as large as some would expect. In other words you will see some this fall but probably not enough to form to much of an opinion on him yet.
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    Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale Results

    Does anyone have the sale results from the Ohio Beef Expo sale this past weekend?
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    Galbreath's Bred Heifer Sale Galbreath and Shady Maple have put together a really nice set of Bred heifers. Really functional and out crossed with many popular shorthorn genetics. I think a couple of these lots you could get really creative with the...
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    K-Kim Bulls

    Do you know what happened to Amazon, Will? That genetic package sounds really interesting.
  9. W

    K-Kim Bulls

    Is any semen available on these bulls?
  10. W

    K-Kim Bulls

    If anyone has used any other K-Kim bulls please share. Im also curious to see what kind of cows they work well on. I've had some ideas but would love to hear other thoughts and ideas.
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    K-Kim Bulls

    Does anyone know what type of semen is out there on some old K-Kim Bulls? The Castlerock bull and the Merlot bull really interests me but didn't know what all is out there.
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    Great Shorthorn Revival 2017 Sale Report

    Thank you! I really appreciate the detailed report.
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    Great Shorthorn Revival 2017 Sale Report

    Does anyone have a sale report for the Revival?
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    Eyes on the Midwest
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    Cates and RC sale's

    The Boardwalk semen grossed $9150. Not bad for 6 sexed units and 6 conventional units.
  16. W

    Cates and RC sale's

    Boardwalk was $1000 a unit for sexed semen. Conventional sold for $550 and $500 a unit I believe.
  17. W

    Bulls that looked Good, but never turned em out

    Ar Su Lu Tonic comes to mind as a big time bull that I loved from a picture view but his calves never impressed me. Golden Spike is another bull tat I loved but his calves never turned out to be the greatest.
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    Schrag's "Family Event" Sale Report

    Does anyone have the results for Schrag's sale yesterday?
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    Greenhorn's "Where Great Females Make A Difference" Sale Results

    Does anyone have the results from Greenhorn's sale this past weekend?