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  1. M

    Would You Flush

    Will, To register calves out of a flush, you will need to get the cow TH/PHA tested and DNA. (Is she a Shorthorn?) If you are going to keep the calves you may not be concerned about TH/PHA, but if you want to market the embryos or the offspring positive TH/PHA might affect their marketability...
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    Need good wishes

    inthebarnagain, First of all let me express how sorry I am you are going through this. Sometimes the not knowing and having to worry about that is worse than knowing the truth. I find it highly irregular for a radiologist to tell someone the results of their diagnostic procedure. The time...
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    List of simile's,quotes,one liners,bumper stickers lyric lines

    My Dad was a man of many one liners, most of which are inappropriate here! He always said a cow will make you pay. You can pay now or pay later but she will make you pay. He's as full of (manure) as a Christmas turkey. One of my favorites is from Abraham Lincoln.....I will study and prepare...
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    Preamble of your State? - Not Cattle Related...But Real Good!

    Guess they should have called the Oct Shorthorn Country the Steer Planet Issue. I wonder if there are more of us SP folks pictured but they are staying anonymous. JIT, the next time you want to cross the border maybe you need to cover more ground with your razor. But, I will be terribly...
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    Preamble of your State? - Not Cattle Related...But Real Good!

    JIT I thought for a minute I was going to have to reveal your 'hidden identity' by telling everyone that your picture is in the Shorthorn Country.....twice even. But, since you have softened your position I will not divulge the page numbers. You did get a lot of mileage out of that plane...
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    cystic heifer

    I had a heifer go cystic 5 or 6 years ago. I called the vet, he palpated her, told me what to do, I followed his every year since. Moral of story: work with your vet. Good luck with her. Malinda
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    annual ASA Standing Committee Meetings

    I posted the wrong day for the committee meetings. They are FRIDAY evening, not Sat. The annual meeting is Sat. One other thing: The annual meeting is when the delegates elect the new members for the board of directors. Call them and let them know who YOU want to be on the board. The board...
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    annual ASA Standing Committee Meetings

    The way I understand it, Doc is correct. The email I received was addressed: Dear American Shorthorn Association Members. The meetings are Sat evening at 7:00 pm. and 8:00 p.m. I received a letter from the ASA informing me I was a delegate for my well as several other SP members...
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    annual ASA Standing Committee Meetings

    I know there has been a lot of opinions expressed on SP about the ASA. Here is your big chance to get involved. I received an email this morning that is addressed to all ASA members.It notifies us of all the standing committees, their meeting times and agendas.  If you are a member and did not...
  10. M

    if a weird thing can will

    I got very lucky this afternoon. I had a cow due with her second calf this  Saturday. Actually, it is an ET calf; the cow is a THC and is now a recip. She got restless around 2:30, water bag was out at 3:00, bag broke before 3:30. Heifer calf on the ground at 4:05. Here comes the weird part...
  11. M

    Live Video of Our Heifers

    chambero, Sorry you lost your calf but glad that plan B is working out so well. I would be very proud of that heifer; she was pushing likes an old trooper each time I saw her. None of that goofy first calf heifer stuff. I am glad you have such a good crew to help you out while you are away. ...
  12. M

    Live Video of Our Heifers

    Yes, that second foot would be good. A tongue out gets my heart racing. Wish I was there with a sleeve on....or had chambero's phone number. Wonder what cow 911 is in Texas? Malinda
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    Live Video of Our Heifers

    linnettejane, You beat me to it. Now I'm Nervous Nellie! Malinda
  14. M

    Live Video of Our Heifers

    Water broke on one 11:10 a.m. your time. Couldn't get her number. This is just too much fun! Better go check my own. Malinda
  15. M

    Insurance questions

    Hey StillLearning, Congratulations on your new heifer. I think insuring heifers at least through that first calving is a very good idea and a good business decision. I might be wrong, but I believe the rate is $6/$1000 not 6/100. A $20,000 policy for one year would be $1,200. I use American...
  16. M

    Calving question

    Hey SKF, Well, it is that time of year. I have a cow due Wed and another due Sat. and I am already sleep deprived! The first thing I always question and the first thing my vet questions is the breeding date. You saw the bull breed her, but since you just turned him out with the cows I would...
  17. M

    SW Bull Bracket RND #1 Sugar Ray 34 vs Rodeo Drive 29

    I had the great priviledge of being in a pasture with 25 to 30 cows that wre all Rodeo Drive daughters. I have never seen a group of cows out of one sire that were more uniform in size and type. What really sold me was their udders...looked like they were poured out of a mold. By me not trying...
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    Generations of Excellence Consignments, Creston, Iowa

    Hey Jim, How's that Conductor heifer doing? I hope she is as broody looking now as she was as a calf. I saw a REALLY flashy month old Conductor heifer two weeks ago; wish she was in my pasture! The folks that raised the heifer you bought have a Conductor son they are planning on bringing to the...
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    retaining the right to flush a heifer calf

    I tend to stay out of discussions like this, but here goes. I have already told you how the Wells' are known for being humble. (ha ha) I do not mean any of the following statements to be more than  statements to add to the information in the discussion. But, many of you will take it other...
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    Registered PB Shorthorn Steer for Sale

    ShowmanQ, You know how they say you should get a cute Blondie on the halter? Well, your young lady friend isn't a Blondie, but you might consider her for your next photo op. You concentrate on that new camera and let her do the rest!! Just kidding. Teach you to hang out at the fair near me and...