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  1. B

    Wanted: Maine Anjou Bull

    I sent you a PM this morning.  Have a 2 year old 87.5% - Strictly Buisness/Witch Doctor Bull.  check him yetserday - vet said he is good to go. 
  2. B

    Ft. Worth Show

    We will have a Jan 07 Simmental and a May 07 Maine Anjou for the Juniors.  And then four Maines and two Simmental for the open.  It will be my first open show and my daughters first time at Ft. Worth so it should be learning experience for all.  We will be stalled with the Ellis Co. 4-H. 
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    Ft. Worth Show

    Who is taking junior heifers next week?  Open show the following?  Will have two in the junior and 5 or 6 in the open.  I know several on here are from Texas. 
  4. B

    Bulls for sale

    Good points, this was our first attempt we will keep improving.  Others please comment - it want my feelings.
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    Bulls for sale

    We have several bull calves for sale, one is ready to go and the others are just weaned to started halter broken.  Below is a link to a web site that has two slide shows that show some pictures.  See what you think, if cannot understand which is which shoot me an email,  If questions give me an...
  6. B


    I have several bull calves for sale - 12/06 PB Simmental, a 5/07 Legacy Plus out of PB Maine,6/07 Bouncer out of PB Maine,3/07 Die Hard out of PB Maine, and 3/07 Kadabra out of a 3/8 Maine/3/8 Simmental cow, this bull calf is really cool.  If interested please email at [email protected]. ...
  7. B

    A good day

    Went to the State Fair of Texas this weekend with the three Maines.  Had a 1st, 2nd (the one that beat us went on to be Reserve Champ),3rd in class.  This is our third year, but we take our victories where we can, some are moral victories when there are no one except you in the class and some...
  8. B

    State Fair of TX - Heart of TX Fair

    We are taking our Maine's to the State Fair.  I work downtown and it just works out better.  Stop by and say hi.  It will be in Ellis Co  - last name Blackwell.  Then the Simmental shows on the 18 and 19th.  May also hit the Madisonville show on Saturday the 20th then I think I will dead.   ...
  9. B

    Labor Day Weekend

    We went and was pretty good show- less cows than normal so it was done by noon - good thing because it was getting hot.  Not sure what will be the next one, Maines show at the State Fair on the 7th and then the Simmentals on the 18 and 1 so that will be the next shows.  Maybe it will be a little...
  10. B

    My bull has strayed

    Sorry to hear about the bull walking off.  Maybe be like my friends bull, looked all over and asked everyone, then about two weeks one guy said he "found" him after all his cows were bred and asked if he could stay a little longer just in case.  I just sent you a message on a Maine bull that I...
  11. B

    Labor Day Weekend

    I know we will take one Simmental (1/07) and one or two Maines a 12/05 and a 8/06.  The 12/05 will go and the other one is still not feeling great but is going to be cooler so she may go also.
  12. B

    Labor Day Weekend

    Will go to the show in Fairfield on the 16th.
  13. B

    Cow/Calf corner

    Does any one bring the calves in and halter break but let the mothers in once a day for a little while?  Will start weaning four this next week this way.
  14. B

    NFL - who you rooting for?

    Cowboy fan here.  Lucky one to win the company tickets to the game tomorrow - 50 yard line in a  suite.  Should have bought a lottery ticket.
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    Labor Day Weekend

    Did you go to Madisonville this past weekend?  How did you do?
  16. B

    Labor Day Weekend

    Any one going to show over the weekend in Texas?  Looks like it is going to be a little cooler but have not decided where we are going.
  17. B

    Anyone going to the Madisonville, TX show?

    Still too hot for us, just now getting them all well.  What age is the Maine?
  18. B

    Anyone going to the Madisonville, TX show?

    I am not sure, we were cooling off at McDonald's when the show was starting and I did not ask.  I like Ryan also, I think mine was off one place but all four judges pick us second so maybe not.  Had a good turn out - about 70 + head.  Just hot.
  19. B

    Anyone going to the Madisonville, TX show?

    My daughter showed both shows in the Simmental and we were second in all four.  I did hear that the judge in the second ring of second show did place them different.  And it was hot.  Was going to go to the 25th show, will not if cooler.  I do not know who the judge was but in Ring A it was Ryan.
  20. B

    new on board

    Finally stopped looking and registered.  My family shows here in Texas.  Located 36 miles south of Dallas.  We show Maines and Simmental in the junior shows.  We have two children one is in his third year and the other one is in her first year (two shows).  Both are running points so we go a lot...