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    The best lighting is flourescent lighting and the best way to do it in a clipping room is floor to ceiling and on all the walls. Jills clipping room is lined floor to ceiling and is the easiest to clip in of all the clipping rooms I haved worked in.
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    Pictures from KJLS?

    All of the pictures are on Lynn's web site
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    KJLS Club Calf sale??

    The breeders show the calves to determine sale order on Saturday morning then there is a sale Saturday evening.
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    Cedar Fiber

    Anyone know of any place in Oklahoma City that sells Cedar Fiber? Have to go down to pick up a trailer in a few weeks and needed some more and thought if there was a place there it would save me a trip to Pratt, Ks.
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    KJLS Club Calf sale??

    The heifer at the top we are showing in the regular show but she is for sale we have had better luck selling them that way then putting them through the sale.
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    KJLS Club Calf sale??

    We have 3 going they are all really different but good in their own right. One is really cowy half Maine half angus that will make an awesome cow after her show career. One is a very young and freeky maintainer heifer that is pretty green but has a lot of future. One is a chi that I think when...
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    Kansas show calves?

    We have a lot of good heifers this year as we only had 4 bull calves this year. We are taking 3 to Wichita that are pretty darn good and have probably the best one we have ever raised or shown for sale at the house. Check them out at
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    Diesel Driver!!! What you think about your truck?

    We have an 07 and a 00 powerstroke and like them both. The 00 that I drive will get around 20mpg on the highway and around 14 to 15 in town or with w trailer. It does have.a superchip tuner that made a world of difference. The 07 gets around 17 to 18 on the highway and about 14 in town or with a...
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    KJLS Entries

    M Bar you are dangerous with a set of shearmasters! lol
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    WANTED (bred heifers or cows)

    Dang it Big Tex, you are gonna steal my comission. lol However, there is a list of some cattle that are for sale on Tonys Website and Reinken if you are interested if you could either let me know of let Tony know that you found out about it from Ryan Eberth that would be greatly appreciated.
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    WANTED (bred heifers or cows)

    Know of a very large group from Bill Cody and Ten Triple X the cattle are located in TX and Ok, reply back if you are interested and I can email you the information. The cows are priced very reasonable and carrying top notch pregnancies.
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    Sale Calves

    Oops didnt get one of them resized here it is. Also there is sale information and more calves at
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    Sale Calves

    Here are a few pictures of some of the calves that we have for sale. Hopefully, when the weather gets better and the picutre pen does not have water standing in it we can get some better pictures especially of the heifer. But for the time being we took a few pictures in one of the pens in the...
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    Looking for a heifer.

    We have a very nice maintainer heifer she is a end of March. We live about 25 min from the american royal complex and are going to have all of our calves up and ready to look at during junior natls.  We have not had the chance to get any of the calves clipped and pictured due to the bad weather...
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    Everybodies current favorite song

    Anything by Casey Donahew Band and Bart Crow right now, Reckless by Aaron Watson,  Bullet with a name by nonpoint, and throw a little rap in there too when Im in the barn.