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  1. E

    How do you revive?

    Don't ever use revive or any other type of oil based product during the summer months, it holds the heat in and makes the calves hot. Stick with a sheen that's more water based unless you plan on rinsing it out before you turn them out at night.
  2. E

    Proplyene glycol

    It also helps them retain water in their system, thus having a fuller appearance.
  3. E

    Jr. Maine Anjou Summer Nationals

    Jill now that our old group that was close to my age are out there ain't much left of our state junior association period it's kinda sad! We always had one heck of a time at JR natls and 2002 in Iowa was definately one of the best! Might just have to try and make the trip up on show day and...
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    Cool calf system

    Just the condensor new was 4500 that didn't include the 3 evaporators that also come with it.
  5. E

    Cool calf system

    I have a 5 ton unit that will do a 30x 20 room that I would part with for $3000 the unit is 2 yrs old and only ran for 1 summer, and is down and ready to go located just west of Kansas city.
  6. E

    Squeeze chutes - For-Most or Titan West?

    The place I worked at in college had a hydraulic Titan and it was very nice! But that's the only one I have ever had any experience with.
  7. E

    3 yearlings-shorthorn maine angus-maine simm angus-Maine angus-ready to go

    These bulls are the real deal and come from the guy who raised lifeline, limited edition, polleroid, body builder and lamborgini. I have seen them all in person many times and will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. Ryan Eberth
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    Senior year calf-Found! Thanks for everyone's help!

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><
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    Senior year calf-Found! Thanks for everyone's help!

    Here is a recent picture I took of the heifer today, I will get the video uploded as soon as I have more time one evening. Ryan
  10. E

    Senior year calf-Found! Thanks for everyone's help!

    I'll try and get a decent one I'm not sneed who took the ones on his site but I'll see what I can get done and then post it for you.
  11. E

    Senior year calf-Found! Thanks for everyone's help!

    The shorthorn is darn good, she's shucked some hair but has all the pieces especially for Texas. I'm getting her pictured and another video done tomorrow and if they turn out I'll  try to get them posted asap
  12. E

    Has anyone done business with Diamond M Cattle (Mark Mueller) of Hiawatha, Kan?

    You can always trust mark he's always held up his end of the bargain with me' I do business with him both on the cattle and his farming side and have never had a bad experience. May I ask what you are looking at buying? I have 3 heifers of his in my barn right now I am gettig broke and clipped...
  13. E

    Clean Up Bull Wanted

    Look below at the herd sire for sale I posted he is a jazz x full flush that has produced many winners in limited use.
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    Herd Sire for Sale

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    Herd Sire for Sale

    Pm sent
  16. E

    Herd Sire for Sale

    We have decided after 6 years and a good bank of semen to sell our outstanding herd sire Unforgiven (Jazz X Full Flush) after this spring breeding season. I am posting him for sale now to let the fall calving guys have a shot at buying him. I will get a mature picture as soon as the weather...
  17. E

    Anyone use Simmy bull starpower

    This is a starpower female we have been showing quite successfully that will be a nice addition to our donor pen when her show career is over.
  18. E

    What bulls are you using this season?

    Clubby- Headliner Smilin Bob Milkman Smooth Sailing HW 1 Final Link Maine- Limited Edition Body Builder Simmi- In Dew Time Star Power Clean Up- Remedy - limited editon x witch dr. Unforgiven - jazz x full flush ( full brother to 2004 aksaben champ steer, we also had him on display in Denver...
  19. E

    k-state vs Xavier

    Great day to be a Wildcat! EMAW!!!!