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  1. E

    Good cows selling on

    Nice self promotion Doran, good luck with the sale
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    KSU AGR Kickoff Show

    Be there working on some cattle I sold, a pb simmi, angus, Maine, and a market heifer.
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    Please pm me with price and any other pictures.
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    Bloodstone or Full Sibs

    No desert rose has not been cloned at least as of yet. I have worked for Hanhns quite a bit and Tyler was a college roomate of mine and he has never once mentioned it, so I don't think it has happened yet.
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    2010 display bulls

    Gartens and skinners
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    NWSS Steer show results does anyone know?

    Champ- Sydney schnoor res- Bailey core (mkt heifer)
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    Club Calf Coffee Tables

    Pm me the price please
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    ksu kickoff show

    They haven't been annonunced as of yet, last I knew they were trying to get commitments from the 2 they had asked.
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    ksu kickoff show

    The show is the weekend February 28th.
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    Web Site

    Quint Huncovsky does awesome work as well and his info can be found at and
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    It's just amazing the prices and rumors that get started at the county fair. It seems like everything gets an added zero or 2 on the price tag. We used to have the largest and one of the thoughest counties here in Kansas, one year the res angus heifer in Louisville got beat in class but it...
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    I have always said the easiest way to get a good one beat is to take it to the county fair.
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    The cow used to be owned by hahns and she raised several pretty good ones but never quite hit a home run like they would like. The bull pictured was pretty good, I was at the beef expo with then the year they showed that bull. In my opinion he probably wasn't the best one that that cow has...
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    Kansas beef expo, if she ever gets them posted to her website
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    Kansas Beef Expo

    We have 7 heifers that I sold that will be there. A chi, Simmental, 2 maines, a maintainer, commercial, and a market heifer. Saturday is gonna be a LONG day!
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    Dmcc online sale STOUT CORRECT Maine and Shorthorn hiefers Nov-23-24

    I have been through these cattle many times, and got them ready for the videos and pictures.There is something in the offering for everyone to choose from, several really good pb maines, pb shorthorns, chi's, maintainers and market heifers. Be sure to check them out!
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    Kansas City Steer Results?

    The steer of burkes that was reserve overall started out sixth in class and got moved up to 2nd behind mays then eventually res division and res overall.
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    Kansas City Steer Results?

    Schnoors with an angus heifer
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    Carnac Calves how do they feed out as fats

    You are correct Freddy one sure did.
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    What's everyone favorite country song

    Small town kid- Eli young band stockyards- Casey donahew band white trash story- Casey donahew band not a real big mainstream country fan but an avid red dirt/ Texas country fan.