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  1. E

    cedar fiber

    Where are you located at and how much are you looking for there is a place in pratt that sells it and I also have close to 200 bags that I may be able to part with a few if your not looking for a lot I'm located just outside of kc.
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    Dark Water

    Definately crown and pendelton, but if ya are going cheap it's hard to beat KD
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    Cedar  fiber is the best if you can get it. There really isn't any place to get it around here so we have to drive to pratt ks to get any or Texas if we are down there we usually buy a pallet or 2 and will last us a year or a little more.
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    cool roan at DMCC MAINES

    I have seen the calf in person he is the real deal. If you are in the market for a shorthorn you need to go see him the picturescjust don't do him justice.
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    the good heifers that are leftover we keep and show them like ofs at smaller shows and let locals take them to the county fair then put them back in the herd as replacements. The steers we will fatten and let the neighbors take them to the county fair and we get the floor prices and they get the...
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    I would hire Quint Huncovsky from Kansas. He takes almost all the pictures at the shows here in Kansas and also works for the show circuit he is great to work with and easy to get along with.
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    Witch Doctor on Heifers?

    I would have to agree with Justme on that one most of ours are on the small side but do a heck of a job raising a calf. We still use him pretty heavily on 1st calf heifers and end up keeping most of the heifers back for recips because of their easy fleshing ability and maternal ability.
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    Cooler Unit For Sale

    Don't think I'm too high as this is not just the condenser it is 3 evaporaters as well so it is the whole unit. Try pricing a whole unit from anywhere and you can see what the prices run. Like I said to get everything that comes along with this would be around 8,000 from cool calf as I just...
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    Cooler Unit For Sale

    I have a 2 year old 5 ton Copeland condenser and 3 1 1/2 ton evaporators for sale for anyone looking to build a cooler. I just bought them last month and planned on putting  part of it up in our existing barn and keeping the rest until I got my barn built here in a year or two but after pricing...
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    whats your favorite heat wave son

    In my avatar there is a picture of a smooth sailing steer that won the Nebraska AGR show in December he's really the only one I had seen or delt with but he's a pretty neat calf. Monster boned and big topped could maybe be a little softer but that's being pretty critical on a darn good one.
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    New Smoke to Look at: Congrats to Freddy on raising him!

    If he is in Howdy's  place you couldnt ask for a better  home. His guys know what they are doing. Congrats
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    Kansas Shows

    On the subject of Kansas shows, what is everyones take on the majority of these spring shows going to either no fit or only the kids can fit? Maybe it's just me but I think it is ridiculous, I know that state fair and Wichita are both this way and I feel the same way about them. How are kids...
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    kansas shows

    On the subject of Kansas shows, what is everyones take on the majority of these spring shows going to either no fit or only the kids can fit? Maybe it's just me but I think it is ridiculous, I know that state fair and Wichita are both this way and I feel the same way about them. How are kids...
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    Kent's Winners Fill

    We have never had a problem with the calves eating it. They seem to Iove it. We feed it about 1/3 winning fill and 2/3 grain all the time.
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    Cooling Rooms?

    I am in the process of putting a new unit in our room we used to run 2 big window units and fans but I just bought a refrigeration unit that's probably way too big for my current room but the price was right and I wanted the bigger unit for when I build my own place in a year or 2. Our room now...
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    HBO documentary

    Is anyone watching the documentary on Hog farms on HBO. It never ceases to amaze me how these animal rights activists find the one bad apple in s group and them make eveyone that is un educated about these things think this is all common practice on any is operations like those that give...
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    Heifers in a Cool Room

    We have always put heifers in the cooler and never had any problems. Now that being said we never would crank it down below 55 or 60 degrees when we had heifers in there and we always seemed to get darn good hair on them.
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    What bulls are you using this spring

    Monopoly Milkman Heatwave and clones Smooth sailing Aberdeen (Angus) Unforgiven (jazz x full flush) herd bull Remedy (limited edition x witch Dr)herd bull Money man Imprint
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    Ali Semen

    If anyone is needing Ali semen I know where there is 8 units from ABS that is for sale, shoot me a message and I will get you intouch with the guy.
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    kansas shows

    Sorry damn phone