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  1. savaged

    New Heifer!

    That's a nice heifer and it's great that you are excited about her.  I'd make sure and feed her for continued belly and depth with a product like Depth Charge or Rumifill and you will do just fine!
  2. savaged

    Whats it worth? shows the most recent sales of Cunia semen in a range of $145 - $250
  3. savaged

    Calling for the Ladies (my lady cows that is)

    My cattle come in to "Yo Cow" calls.  I like this method better.  So how do you call your ladies in? Serenading the cattle with my trombone (Lorde - Royals)
  4. savaged

    How do you determine Donor material?

    The actual quality / sale value of it's first two or three natural calves.
  5. savaged

    How do you decide to make him a steer or leave him a bull?

    Scurred but so small I did not know they were there until clipping.
  6. savaged

    How do you decide to make him a steer or leave him a bull?

    Alpha Male (Monopoly son) X Ace in the Hole / Paleface.
  7. savaged

    How do you decide to make him a steer or leave him a bull?

    If you have a promotion quality bull calf (potentially) it will be rather evident, especially in the cross bred clubby arena. I was lucky enough to have this calf this spring.  Pictured at five weeks and at three months.  He stayed a bull :)
  8. savaged

    Photographer for an online sale.

    Both Kevin Mears and Brad Hook travel and do a great job.  Not sure of availability but both would be worth checking out.  You can google both to get more info.
  9. savaged

    Fly air gun

    The fly control was pretty good, but I do think larger cows will require two doses.  My cows did not run or panic at all, and the same ones that don't like to be sprayed are the same that were the most sensitive to the air gun as well.    A fly control product I recently tried that I really...
  10. savaged

    Maternal Perfection

    Anybody got recent reports on calves you have raised or seen?
  11. savaged

    Fly air gun

    Yes, the capsule leaves a colored spot temporarily.
  12. savaged

    Fly air gun

    I have one and have used it once to date.  It worked as described in terms of delivery, but i can tell you that a couple of my cows were wary / suspicious of me drawing up beside them in the Gator for quite some time afterwards.    It must sting like a paint ball I suppose.  I missed a couple...
  13. savaged

    Looking for show heifers for sale in IN,OH,PA,WV

    Pics of the heifers in my earlier post:  None are in a fall or on-line sale. High Regard X Nicole's Legacy PB Simmental BIM X Dream On 50% Simmental Mercedes Benz X Slightly Modified Maintainer Ready 2 Rumble X Mr. Untouchable Maintainer Uno Mas X PB Angus 50% Angus 50% Simmental
  14. savaged

    Swelling question

    Might be a hematoma - it's not unusual for lambs to cause them by pushing or bumping it on something.  Check to see that he is not doing this somehow. I would not hesitate to have your vet take a look.
  15. savaged

    Looking for show heifers for sale in IN,OH,PA,WV

    Zak, I have a few that are worth a look.  A super maternal pure-bred Yardly High Regard X Nicole's Legacy will be very good at all phases showing and producing (probably should not sell her), other more maternal are a 50% Simmy Dream On X BIM,  a 50 / 50 Maine-Angus out of Uno Mass, and a High...
  16. savaged

    Bulls that went to Denver-2014

    Only new bull I used was Banshee (Pinnacle Sires).  He is 50% Simmy and quarter Maine so a little different deal than those new clubbies.
  17. savaged

    Breeding Dilemma - In About 12 Hours

    She's throwing her head and pushing around on other cows - just like would would expect to see with one coming in.  When it cools down this evening I'll see what the other cows are doing with her.  That little bull calf has been quite the heat detector this spring though...    i just can't...
  18. savaged

    Breeding Dilemma - In About 12 Hours

    I have a situation I've not had before and need advise and/or to know if anyone else has had this happen. I had a cow in standing heat early morning on May 16 and bred her late that evening.  I usually stick on a second Estrotect patch at about 17 or 18 days after A.I. to help me check heats...
  19. savaged

    ordering semen online-question

    I've ordered this year from Genetic Horizons and Top Sires.  Both shipped and arrived in two days in good condition and plenty of liquid.  You just leave the ship tank where they dropped it and they will return in a couple of days and pick it up.  Top Sires was cheaper to ship - fifty bucks...
  20. savaged

    Pour-On Dewormer's burning backs

    The pour on will burn them for sure.  I've used Dectomax injectible le for several years and have not experienced the issue you mention.  What size needle you using?