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  1. savaged

    I Believe - What % Maine

    Found it - he is 37.5% Maine
  2. savaged

    I Believe - What % Maine

    Flushing a P.B. Maine cow to I Believe and wondering what % the calves will be.  Anybody know the % on him?
  3. savaged

    Alpha Male Bull Calf - Shout Out for Pinnacle Sires

    The cow is an Ace in the Hole X Paleface.  Did not weigh him at birth but he was stout.  Definitely not calving ease.
  4. savaged

    Alpha Male Bull Calf - Shout Out for Pinnacle Sires

    He was purchased by Matt and Dean.  All goes as planned he'll be promoted this fall. 
  5. savaged

    Alpha Male Bull Calf - Shout Out for Pinnacle Sires

    Alpha Male, previously a Lautner bull, was purchased by Pinnacle Sires.  He produced some high quality calves in his first crop, including this Feb. bull calf of mine.  Dean Kephart and Mat John have assemble a very impressive set of bulls - check out their catalog at pinnacle  I...
  6. savaged

    Maine -Simmy Cross

    Yardley High Regard may be a good option as well.  Pretty hot Simmy bull right now.  Had this purebred heifer and like her a lot.  Not a great pic and she's only a couple weeks old but I think he added the rib and depth.
  7. savaged


    I'm saying that either way, within a three or  four year period (say you kept a replacement from an e.t. calf) I'd like to have recouped that initial investment.  Of course the quicker the better :)
  8. savaged


    I've lately been mulling this over and wonder about other's opinions.  If this fall you can allocate about 10 grand to the ole herd, would you rather purchase a bred (maybe two) or would your acquire 3 - 4 sets of really good embryo's?  Of course, the primary objective is to turn profit within a...
  9. savaged

    Concept Aid Alternate?

    I have used Right Now Onyx over the past couple of years with good results.
  10. savaged

    Calves that refuse to eat

    I would go ahead and separate them from the cows for the majority of the day, and bring the cows to them to let them nurse once each morning and night.  As they start on the grain (put the feeder in the middle of their pen - water too -  so they won't be as likely to walk in it as they pace the...
  11. savaged

    2014 Calves - Southern OH

    Finally got a set of pics of some of this year's calves.  Nice afternoon today in southern OH.  Drop by for a visit if you are in the Highland County area this spring! First is an Alpha Male bull - 2 months Second is a BoJo bull - 50% Simmi - month and a half Third is a Monopoly bull - 50%...
  12. savaged

    Select Sires AI School

    Went through the class in Ohio.  Was well done and effective.  I purchased my kit through them during the class.  Everyone received a certificate (I think for 200.00) for semen purchases.
  13. savaged

    Sugar Rush Calf Pics? Thoughts on Bull? BW? Breeding Q?

    There are some Sugar Rush calf pics on the Competitive Edge Genetics blog.  I think it's
  14. savaged

    A few babies. What do you think?

    Well,  the Thriller looks like he could be pretty square and sound, but the pictures really limit anyone from making any valid judgements.  That is likely why you have seen no reply posts.  Let them grow a few more weeks then take some good side profile pics.  Try to avoid taking the shot...
  15. savaged

    2nd Calvers

    You can safely use Mercedes Benz.  If your Benz calves are too big (90 plus) you may have some serious cow-side birthweight genetics to deal with when you start breeding to the clubby bulls.
  16. savaged

    question on breeding

    If not a C.E. angus,  without seeing her size, I'd probably be OK with Mercedes Benz.
  17. savaged

    Calf that won't eat

    If she is really two months old she needs to be on the cow, or you will need to bottle feed her.  A dry ration only and she may starve to death at worst, or become seriously malnourished.  When did you take her from the cow? If indeed this is a serious post......
  18. savaged

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    No no no. This is me I just didn't want any flack so I went anonymously. He HOUSES the animal. I do the work associated. I just have little to no cost. I spend 18-20 hours there per week. I realize I'm not getting much out of it financially but I enjoy doing it and my parents never let me do it...
  19. savaged

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    It would be my concern that a family that can not afford to purchase one (even a lower valued one) will also not be able to provide proper care and feeding.  It takes a lot of capital when you consider they will have to provide proper facilities (space/fans/bedding), feed program (quality base...
  20. savaged

    HELP-wedding ring inside of cow

    Flowers.  Chocolate.  Card.    Confession.  In that order.