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  1. savaged

    Monopoly money calf

    That's a nice calf Chris.  Funny that MM threw red on her as well.  I attached a picture of my MM at about a week old - it will be interesting to compare as he grows. I might have to come and see that one.....
  2. savaged

    Mercedes Benz Daughters

    Yes, and I pondered that as well.  I purchased her from Bushy Park's fall female sale, and I was comfortable with the mating after discussing with a couple of trusted folks on her.    I'll post pics if I get two heads  ;)
  3. savaged

    Mercedes Benz Daughters

    I have one due in a couple of weeks with a I80 calf.  Bushy Park should have a few in production I would think.  I can tell you that the genetics are very good, and the calving ease on his side is pretty well established.  For high and % Maine cows I would feel extremely confident with MB.
  4. savaged

    calve in a calving pen or in pasture question

    If bred for club calves I think you put them in or in a lot with quick access to a chute in any weather.  You are going to have to assist / pull some sooner or later. If it is going to be nasty weather I put them in at night for sure, and then decide if they should go out during daylight.  I...
  5. savaged

    EZ Milker

    Anyone using one of these?  I've had to milk out a couple cows this year and I need an easier way!  Age I guess :-\
  6. savaged


    Got a pic of the calf?
  7. savaged

    Calf Question

    If the calf is very young it may still be needing to suck.  Are you providing a bottle as well as concentrate feed?  Might still need to feed milk replacer as well.  A pic showing condition may be helpful too.
  8. savaged

    Monopoly Money

    No, he was sold to a family out west.  Performed very well for them.
  9. savaged

    Monopoly Money

    Our last Monopoly Money at one week of age and again at 5 months.  He was out of a pure bred Dream On and actually framed her down a notch.  He was deep sided but that may be his mama's doing.  Correct, thick, hairy, and that sucker had some serious grow to him. 
  10. savaged

    Breeding Suggestions

    I'll second the High Regard suggestion.
  11. savaged

    Smart Money?

    I'm just thinking, the art of any business is being out front of change, and of course making the right choices is key.  So that said, while the club calf industry races toward the golden ring of the current calf prototype (e.g., bone, hair, neck, and coolness),  what is going to be the...
  12. savaged

    Ready 2 Rumble...

    I expect to see quite a few here in Highland County where these two bulls were bred and born.  I'll have one coming in March out of a GCC Mr. Untouchable cow.  Eager to have that one on the ground.
  13. savaged

    Breeding options?

    Mercedes Benz to pretty-up that front end.  Will also promote good structure and a decent shot at a good middled one as well.  A heifer calf would have some value if the dice roll out right.
  14. savaged

    Depth Supplements

    I've used Depth Charge the past few years and have liked it for what it can do to extend some gut & belly.  You'll need to rely on genetics to add depth and rib shape though, which is really the key to what you are after.    Won't hurt to feed some mixed with a product like Winning Fill an hour...
  15. savaged

    need some help with a calf picture

    Not lying down, but here's one all clean and in the straw.
  16. savaged

    If I could start all over again I would......?

    I would not purchase any open show heifers, at the peak of their market value, to later use as breeding stock.  I'd use the same money to buy bred heifers and young cows with an emphasis on purebred and high percentage animals.  Amazing how much more value potential there is when you aren't ...
  17. savaged

    What to breed Maintainer heifer to?

    I'll second Mercedes Benz.
  18. savaged

    First class female sale prices

    I purchased two from last year's sale.  One bred heifer and then I did get a bred cow for two grand.  I had some info on her and knew it was a good buy at that price.  She was a late lot and that helped.  Her first calf paid for her. Looking at this year's sale, I'll bet you can pick a bred up...
  19. savaged

    Opinions on my first calf!

    I hate unsolicited advice but since you are just starting here I go.... A much better picture (and therefore much better marketing) would be just to turn him loose, find him something interesting to look at (e.g., other cattle, or anything different to him), and start snapping pics.  If you...
  20. savaged

    Bushy Park Sale Last Saturday

    Anybody have sale numbers on the Tradition of Excellence Sale last Saturday? In particular the bred heifers & cows.