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  1. savaged

    Reimann First Class Female Sale

    Bred Cow Lot 158  -  35,000 High bred heifer was lot 5 @ 24,000. Half interest lot 150 - 17,000
  2. savaged

    What would you say is the most important key to raising a good project.

    If by good you mean competitive: 1.  Genetics and calf selection. 2.  Feeding & care. 3.  Hair growth and training. All three are key.  Miss one and your done ;)
  3. savaged

    Some random thoughts for new cattle breeders

    Good milking, sound and clean high % or even pure bred cows can produce good show cattle.  Watch the sale prices for quality bred cattle - forget the fancy Monopoly, Heat Wave, et. al. show heifers - these are prices often driven by vanity and status seeking.  Pay attention to the cattle being...
  4. savaged

    Dream Girl sale results

    Anybody have complete results on the breds?
  5. savaged

    Steer jocks

    Some good pictures would go a long way.....
  6. savaged

    Who gets your business (and money).

    My "herd goals" are increasingly focused on these core pieces:  1) cows versatile enough in their genetics and build to consistently produce high quality females, high or half percentage breed calves (maine or simmental), or club steers depending on how you breed them.  2)  a focus on...
  7. savaged

    Bushy Park Female Sale

    81.  $4500.  Not a bad buy on that one.
  8. savaged

    Jones Show Cattle (Ohio) Sale and Past Results

    Anybody know where I can view results of last year's High Standards Female Sale? I'd at least like to know a ball-park on what to expect on the bred heifer offering before making the trip/spending the day.  Sale is next Saturday.
  9. savaged

    Bushy Park Female Sale

    Anybody watching / buying at Bushy Park's Elite Female Sale today?
  10. savaged

    We changed trains

    That sounds awesome  ;)
  11. savaged

    Low birth weight bulls for club calf heifer???

    Mercedes Benz - I would definitely use him on some of them.
  12. savaged

    Proud of My Little Girl!!!

    She is a cutie!  For me the best times have been watching my girls showing and growing each year.  You should be proud! Our six year old showed this year for the first time too and she loved it!
  13. savaged

    Congrats to the "Savaged" family!

    Cool room and of course a whole bunch of brush work.  These were also pretty hairy calves at birth.
  14. savaged

    Congrats to the "Savaged" family!

    Thanks Zach - it was good to see you again.  Sorry we did not have more time to talk, but it looked like your heifer did pretty darn good too! I really appreciate the post, and thanks to all those on Steer Planet whom I've relied on for information and education as I have worked to develop my...
  15. savaged

    Eye Candy Steer

    Eye Candy Steer A cool May Eye Candy steer in a stout, correct, great haired, and goose-necked package.  His Ace in the Hole X Pale Face dam won many times out as a heifer and she produced a good one!  He sells in the Highland County Circle Sale at Breeder's World on August 26th.  Take...
  16. savaged

    Monopoly Money Steer - Half-Blood Simmental

    Monopoly Money Steer - Half-Blood Simmental A copper haired half blood simmental that carries great mass in a big bellied and huge boned structure.  He has tremendous hair to boot. Sells as a lot in the Highland County Circle On-Line Sale on Breeder's World this August 26th. More Information
  17. savaged

    New Steer Routine?

    What size / age steer are you getting?  If like here you are buying a fall feeder (400 - 600 pounds) then it will (should) already be halter broke,  and have been rinsed regularly with a good start on the hair. Then, search this forum to learn all you can about feeding, daily hair care...
  18. savaged

    Cooler .. Wet or Dry

    Always dry for us.  We condition the hair and brush thoroughly which ends up in a dry coat.  I'd also be concerned about the training of hair just leaving them wet.
  19. savaged

    Show Calves

    Been workin hard on getting these calves ready and thought I'd post updated pics.  The Benz heifer and Monopoly Money steer are February's and are in need of clipping - they are pretty shaggy.  The E.C. is a May calf and is still pretty green.  Could not get a very good pic of the red steer.
  20. savaged

    Dirty hairy 2

    Good luck next week.